Agricultural Land Commission
Message from the Minister and
Accountability Statement
I am pleased to present the 2004/05 Annual Service Plan Report for the Agricultural Land Commission. The past year represents
the government's continuing commitment to the preservation of the province's limited supply of agricultural land through the
Agricultural Land Reserve.
The Commission has invested significant effort over the past year in improving its responsiveness to regional and community
values and interests. The six regional panels of the Commission traveled extensively within their regions, meeting with local
governments, applicants and stakeholders, and applying their knowledge of their regions to improve the responsiveness and
quality of decisions.
The recognition of community interests and needs in the decision-making process is evidence of the Commission's commitment
to building on the partnership it has developed with local governments.
The 2004/05 Agricultural Land Commission Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified
in the ministry's 2004/05 Service Plan. I am accountable for those results as reported.
Honourable George Abbott
Minister of Sustainable Resource Management
June 15, 2005