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Report on Resources

The Resource Summary outlines actual expenditures, FTEs and other financing transactions to amounts estimated by core business area. Please note change in presentation for variance it is now calculated as:

"Actual" minus "Estimated" = "Variance".

2004/05 Resource Summary

Core Business Area Estimated Other
Total Estimated Actual2 Total Variance (Actual minus Estimated)3
Operating Expenses ($000)
Industry Competitiveness 4,540 9,100 13,640 14,103 463
Expenditures 4,557 9,100 13,657 14,120 463
Recoveries (17) (17) (17)
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 4,502 4,502 4,804 302
Expenditures 4,504 4,504 4,804 300
Recoveries (2) (2) 2
Food Safety and Quality 3,854 3,400 7,254 7,348 94
Expenditures 6,378 3,400 9,778 10,114 336
Recoveries (2,524) (2,524) (2,766) (242)
Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development 2,546 5,000 7,546 8,216 670
Expenditures 6,880 5,000 11,880 12,429 549
Recoveries (4,334) (4,334) (4,213) 121
Risk Management 19,357 17,863 37,220 36,295 (925)
Expenditures 20,998 17,863 38,861 49,096 10,235
Recoveries (1,641) (1,641) (12,801) (11,160)
Executive and Support Services 9,893 9,893 9,279 (614)
Expenditures 9,968 9,968 9,282 (686)
Recoveries (75) (75) (3) 72
Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs 95 95 95
Statutory — Payments Based on Contribution, Disbursements 19,445 19,445
Payments Based on Contribution, Receipts (19,445) (19,445)
Total 44,692 35,485 80,177 80,167 (10)
Expenditures 53,285 35,485 88,770 119,412 30,642
Recoveries (8,593) 0 (8,593) (39,245) (30,652)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Industry Competitiveness 43 43 43 0
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 47 47 43 (4)
Food Safety and Quality 58 58 56 (2)
Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development 66 66 63 (3)
Risk Management 43 43 30 (13)
Executive and Support Services 69 69 64 (5)
Total 326 0 326 299 (27)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Industry Competitiveness 22 22 2 (20)
Fisheries and Aquaculture Management 483 483 122 (361)
Food Safety and Quality 346 346 124 (222)
Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development 812 812 387 (425)
Risk Management 106 106 199 93
Executive and Support Services 88 88 59 (29)
Totals 1,857 0 1,857 893 (964)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Industry Competitiveness Agriculture Credit Act (Agricultural Land Development Program) — Net Cash Source 765 765 845 80
Risk Management Production Insurance Stabilization — Receipts 3,000 3,000 3,000
Production Insurance Stabilization — Disbursements 3,000 3,000 3,000
Total Net Cash Source (Requirement) 765 0 765 845 80

1  Other authorizations of $35,485 were obtained for Supplementary Estimates and Contingencies for assistance to producers as part of the provincial response to Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and Avian Influenza, and for other initiatives, including crop insurance funding, research, innovation and increasing the competitiveness of the B.C. food industry.
2  Recoveries:
Agriculture Policy Framework 6,877
Production Insurance — Consolidation 11,088
Production Insurance — Administration 1,713
Payments Based on Contributions* 19,445
Other 122
3  Surpluses arising from Risk Management and Executive and Support Services were used to support the achievement of Industry Competitiveness, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management and Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development.
Details available in the 2004/05 Public Accounts. Payments based on Contributions pursuant to Section 25(1) of the Financial Administration Act, 1996.


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