Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Report on Resources

2003/04 Resource Summary by Core Business Areas

  Estimates Other Authorization Total Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Skills Development and Employment Standards 13,834 13,834 10,032 3,8021
Industrial Relations 8,120 8,120 5,969 2,1512
Workers' Compensation 1 1 0 1
— Gross Expenditures 31,814 31,814 24,401
— Recoveries (31,813) (31,813) (24,401)
Executive Support Services 3,682 3,682 3,924 (242)
Total 25,637 25,637 19,925 5,712
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Skills Development and Employment Standards 117 117 106 11
Industrial Relations 47 47 49 (2)
Workers' Compensation 263 263 218 45
Executive Support Services 24 24 23 1
Total 451 451 396 55
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)
Skills Development and Employment Standards 677 677 290 3873
Industrial Relations 20 20 20
Workers' Compensation 2,815 2,815 449 2,3664
Executive Support Services
Total 3,512 3,512 739 2,773

1  The $3.8 million underspending in Skills Development and Employment Standards was made up of three components: a $2.1 million internal restructuring fund created by planned staff reductions and office closures ahead of budget targets; $900,000 in salary savings due to higher than expected uptake on ERIP/VDP and hiring lag; and $600,000 in IT savings due to delays in systems development project.
2  The $2.2 million underspending in Industrial Relations consisted mainly of a $1.4 million internal restructuring fund created by planned staff and rent reductions ahead of budget targets and a $500,000 conservative budget for central agency chargebacks that was not required.
3  The variance is due to delays in a major system development project.
4  The variance is due to the delayed decision regarding a new case management system for the Workers' Compensation Appeal Tribunal.


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