Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Resource Summary by Core Business Areas

  Estimated Other Authorizations Total Estimated Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Corrections 188,397 188,397 181,062 7,3351
Policing and Community Safety 239,055 20,118 259,173 267,723 (8,550)2
Compliance and Consumer Services 36,018 36,018 34,757 1,2613
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 15,393 15,393 14,790 6034
Liquor Control and Licensing 1 1 14 (13)5
Executive and Support Services6 1,998 2,808 4,806 5,442 (636)7
Statutory and Special Accounts8 25,822 70,506 96,328 95,757 5719
Transfer from the General Account to the Inmate Work Program (695) (695) (695)
Total 506,684 92,737 599,421 598,850 571
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Corrections 1,960 1,960 1,817 14310
Policing and Community Safety 210 210 224 (14)11
Compliance and Consumer Services 416 416 385 3112
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 117 117 116 1
Liquor Control and Licensing 104 104 104
Executive and Support Services13 20 20 13 7
Total 2,827 2,827 2,659 168
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)
Corrections 2,659 2,659 2,947 (288)14
Policing and Community Safety 1,766 1,766 1,641 12515
Compliance and Consumer Services 1,627 1,627 1,368 25916
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 20 20 240 (220)17
Liquor Control and Licensing 905 905 628 27718
Executive and Support Services19 360 360 (2,381) 2,74120
Statutory and Special Accounts 93 93 12 81
Total 7,430 7,430 4,455 2,975
Consolidated Capital Plan Expenditures (CCP) ($000)
Corrections 3,012 (3,012)21
Total 3,012 (3,012)

1  Variance of $7,335 is primarily due to early implementation of correctional facility closures and other Service Plan reduction initiatives
2  Variance of ($8,550) is primarily due to policing for additional municipalities with a population under 5,000 and RCMP salary increases.
3  Variance of $1,261 is primarily due to delays in implementing driver fitness policy and program changes.
4  Variance of $603 is primarily due to efficiencies in the Problem Gambling Program and delays in recruiting staff.
5  Variance of ($13) is due to administrative delays in processing final accounting entries.
6  This business area consists of the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, and various agencies, boards and commissions, including salaries, benefits and allowances and operating expenditures. It also includes the budget for centralized capital acquisitions for the ministry.
7  Variance of ($636) is primarily due to extraordinary leave liability charge for pre-retirement, employee leave and other adjustments.
8  This business area provides for payments made under the Emergency Program Act, funds services as provided in the Victims of Crime Act, and provides payments for expenditures under the Inmate Work Program Special Account.
9  Variance of $571 is primarily due to reduced payments to the British Columbia Neurotrauma Fund as a result of lower Victims of Crime Act fine revenue, and lower Inmate Work Program (IWP) costs due to the relocation/delay of some of the IWPs
10  Variance of 143 FTEs is primarily due to the early implementation of correctional facility closures and other Service Plan reduction initiatives.
11  Variance of (14) FTEs is primarily due to structural FTE shortfall for the Protection Order Registry program, and an increased number of coroners.
12  Variance of 31 FTEs is primarily due to delays in recruiting staff.
13  This business area consists of the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, and various agencies, boards and commissions, including salaries, benefits and allowances and operating expenditures. It also includes the budget for centralized capital acquisitions for the ministry.
14  Variance of ($288) is due to development costs related to a new prisoner management system.
15  Variance of $125 is primarily due to deferrals of computer system enhancements.
16  Variance of $259 is primarily due to deferrals of computer system enhancements.
17  Variance of ($220) is primarily due to unanticipated costs for gaming licensing systems.
18  Variance of $277 is primarily due to reduced scope of information systems development project.
19  This business area consists of the offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister, and various agencies, boards and commissions, including salaries, benefits and allowances and operating expenditures. It also includes the budget for centralized capital acquisitions for the ministry.
20  Variance of $2,741 is primarily due to prior year capital expenditure adjustments.
21  Variance of ($3,012) is due to renovation and upgrading projects at several correctional facilities which were required to accomplish Service Plan reduction initiatives.


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