Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Gaming Policy and Enforcement

Goals Objectives and Strategies
Sound regulatory and enforcement framework governing gaming

Ensure gaming is well-regulated and illegal activity is addressed

  • Develop and implement comprehensive gaming policies and industry-wide public interest standards
  • Eliminate unnecessary requirements on service providers and participants
  • Develop and implement comprehensive Illegal Gambling Strategy
  • Investigate incidents at gaming facilities and support police investigations
Sound management and distribution of government gaming revenues

Establish coordinated approach to support community organizations' funding requirements and responsibilities

  • Complete review and restructuring of grant programs (Direct Access and Bingo Hall Affiliation)
  • Implement sanctions for organizations that do not comply with grant program terms and conditions
Public and stakeholder confidence in government's management of gaming

Improve public and stakeholder awareness and increase satisfaction with government's management of gaming

  • Develop and implement the Responsible Gambling Strategy, including the Problem Gambling Program
  • Monitor public and stakeholder satisfaction with management of gaming


Performance Measures 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual
Gaming Control Act and Regulations1 Draft Act approved Gaming Control Act and Regulations came into force August 2002 Legislation fully implemented Legislation fully implemented
Public satisfaction rate with government management of gaming2 Data not available Data not available Improvement over base rate Data not available
Maximum time to process charities' complete applications for gaming grants3 6 months 12 weeks 11 weeks 11 to 12 weeks

1  This measure will no longer be reported on for performance purposes by Gaming Policy and Enforcement. The measure was established to monitor and report on legislation milestones that have now been met.
2  Current resources do not allow for public satisfaction surveys to be conducted on an annual basis. This measure is therefore being eliminated by the ministry for performance reporting purposes.
3  This performance measure is discussed in more detail in the section of the report entitled Key Performance Results.


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