Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Policing and Community Safety

Goals Objectives and Strategies
Adequate, effective and accountable policing and law enforcement throughout British Columbia Enhance effectiveness of police agencies through technological, structural and operational changes
  • Focus on critical infrastructure, specialized police services, and other enhancement projects
  • Integrate overlapping and duplicate police services
Ensure police have adequate resources to protect the public and apprehend offenders
  • Administer and monitor agreements for the delivery of RCMP services
  • Restructure police financing to ensure equity in funding police costs

Ensure that appropriate and effective accountability mechanisms are in place

  • Implement accountability measures resulting from evaluations and internal audits
  • Update training requirements, curricula and training regulations
  • Improve appointment and training processes for Police Board members
Enhanced community safety

Make communities and schools safer

  • Strengthen and continue community-based restorative justice initiatives (Community Accountability Programs (CAPs)), and support the initiation of new CAPs
  • Enhance the safety of vulnerable citizens by promoting greater awareness of police powers to enforce civil and criminal protection orders1
  • Continue to support all communities, especially First Nations communities, in developing crime prevention and restorative justice programs
Protect children
  • Provide criminal record checks for individuals working with or afforded unsupervised access to children
  • Support communities in developing strategies to prevent youth crime, violence, bullying and sexual exploitation of children and youth
Enhance public safety and confidence in the private security industry
  • Strengthen government oversight of the private security industry

Ensure that no unexplained death is overlooked, concealed or ignored

  • Provide onsite coroners investigations
Enhanced support for victims of crime Enhance the delivery of victim services programs
  • Improve access and timely provision of benefits and services for victims of crime
  • Streamline service delivery under a victims mandate and provide more appropriate benefits and services to all claimants
  • Provide equitable access to victims services by funding 24 new police-based and community-based victims service programs and implementing a 24-hour, provincewide crisis line for victims of family and sexual violence
Reduced financial costs associated with emergencies and disasters Maintain effective awareness, preparedness, response and recovery programs
  • Enhance public and multi-jurisdictional cooperation
  • Employ the use of technology to achieve faster and fuller return of federal Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) contributions
  • Maintain the readiness status of provincial emergency programs and continue to expand the capabilities of trained and experienced staff

1  For increased clarity, the wording of this strategy has been changed since publication of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Service Plan 2003/2004 to 2005/2006.


Performance Measures 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual
Number of policing enhancement projects1 1 project piloted 4 projects initiated Total of 8 projects initiated and 3 completed Total of 8 projects initiated and 4 completed
Number of communities participating in problem-solving approaches to crime 20 32 29 892
Number of First Nations communities developing crime prevention programs that are culturally appropriate 6 34 10 393
Number of Community Accountability Programs (CAPs) funded4 63 76 76 89
Number of community-based, youth crime, violence, bullying and sexual exploitation projects funded5 250 200 303 (adjusted to 225 in response to 2002/03 actual) 273
Percentage of British Columbians reporting satisfaction with their personal safety from crime6 84% Data not available N/A Data not available

1  This measure is discussed in more detail in the section of the report entitled Key Performance Results.
2  This significant variance is primarily the result of one highly successful initiative. Representatives from 70 communities attended the Provincial Meeting of Local Governments on Crime Prevention and Community Safety, bringing together nearly 100 elected and appointed senior government officials to provide tools, training and support towards their participation in the development of community-based crime prevention strategies. Delegates attending this meeting committed to engaging in follow-up activities to further support community-based strategies through a new municipal network on crime prevention and community safety.
3  This variance is largely due to too conservative a target established for 2003/04.
4  This measure is discussed in more detail in the section of the report entitled Key Performance Results.
5  This measure is discussed in more detail in the section of the report entitled Key Performance Results.
6  Data will not be available for this measure until 2005 when the results of the 2004 Statistics Canada General Social Survey are released. This measure will no longer be reported by the ministry for performance reporting purposes because results are beyond the scope of the ministry's control.


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