Goals |
Objectives and Strategies |
Adequate, effective and accountable policing and law enforcement throughout British Columbia |
Enhance effectiveness of police agencies through technological, structural and operational changes
- Focus on critical infrastructure, specialized police services, and other enhancement projects
- Integrate overlapping and duplicate police services
Ensure police have adequate resources to protect the public and apprehend offenders
- Administer and monitor agreements for the delivery of RCMP services
- Restructure police financing to ensure equity in funding police costs
Ensure that appropriate and effective accountability mechanisms are in place
- Implement accountability measures resulting from evaluations and internal audits
- Update training requirements, curricula and training regulations
- Improve appointment and training processes for Police Board members
Enhanced community safety |
Make communities and schools safer
- Strengthen and continue community-based restorative justice initiatives (Community Accountability Programs (CAPs)), and support the initiation of new CAPs
- Enhance the safety of vulnerable citizens by promoting greater awareness of police powers to enforce civil and criminal protection orders1
- Continue to support all communities, especially First Nations communities, in developing crime prevention and restorative justice programs
Protect children
- Provide criminal record checks for individuals working with or afforded unsupervised access to children
- Support communities in developing strategies to prevent youth crime, violence, bullying and sexual exploitation of children and youth
Enhance public safety and confidence in the private security industry
- Strengthen government oversight of the private security industry
Ensure that no unexplained death is overlooked, concealed or ignored
- Provide onsite coroners investigations
Enhanced support for victims of crime |
Enhance the delivery of victim services programs
- Improve access and timely provision of benefits and services for victims of crime
- Streamline service delivery under a victims mandate and provide more appropriate benefits and services to all claimants
- Provide equitable access to victims services by funding 24 new police-based and community-based victims service programs and implementing a 24-hour, provincewide crisis line for victims of family and sexual violence
Reduced financial costs associated with emergencies and disasters |
Maintain effective awareness, preparedness, response and recovery programs
- Enhance public and multi-jurisdictional cooperation
- Employ the use of technology to achieve faster and fuller return of federal Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) contributions
- Maintain the readiness status of provincial emergency programs and continue to expand the capabilities of trained and experienced staff