Goal 6
The Ministry Operates Effectively, Openly and Accountably.
Core Business Area: The Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal
Objective 1
Ministry processes and systems support accountability for results.
Key Strategies
Procure key services through an open, fair and transparent process and implement performance-based contracts.
Performance Measures and Results
Measure 6.1: Percentage of program and service contracts that are performance-based.
Performance Measure |
2002/03 Actual |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
2003/04 Variance |
Target Achieved |
6.1 Percentage of program and service contracts that are performance-based |
100% |
95% |
95% |
0% |
Yes |
A performance-based contract links payments with the achievement or completion of a pre-determined deliverable. The deliverable must be measurable to evaluate the contractor's performance. Deliverables can be outputs (such as job descriptions, software packages, beds used in a hostel/shelter) or outcomes (such as employment program clients remaining independent of income assistance).
This performance measure is important because it helps assess the ministry's progress in becoming more accountable for results. Performance-based contracts ensure a high level of service quality, as well as cost-effective use of ministry resources. Payments to contracted service providers are tied directly to the results they achieve.
Objective 2
Individuals have access to an impartial and responsive appeal system.
Key Strategies
Continue to streamline client access through Electronic Services.
Performance Measures and Results
Measure 6.2: Percentage of appeal hearings commenced within 15 business days.
Performance Measure |
2002/03 Actual |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
2003/04 Variance |
Target Achieved |
6.2 Percentage of appeal hearings commenced within 15 business days |
99% |
100% |
99.8% |
–0.2% |
Yes |
Timely appeals reduce uncertainty for clients and provide for more efficient use of ministry resources in administering appeals. The ministry demonstrated accountability, transparency and responsiveness in its decision-making and operations, in part, through these results. This performance measure allows the ministry to track the success of meeting this commitment to clients and improve the efficient use of resources.
The variance for this measure, representing two cases, resulted from an error that was caused during a systems upgrade used for tracking the progress of appeals. The systems upgrade is now complete which will ensure more accurate tracking and minimize the possibility of this situation in future.
Objective 3
Service delivery is streamlined and effective.
Key Strategies
Develop shared platforms and systems to improve capacity for integrated and coordinated monitoring and reporting across the ministry.
Performance Measures and Results
No specific performance measure has been identified for this objective. The ministry continued to develop shared platforms and systems to improve coordinated monitoring and reporting. Regional realignment, which occurred in September 2003, reduced the number of ministry regions from nine to five. This realignment not only streamlined service delivery within the ministry but also allowed for more integrated service coordination with the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Ministry of Health Services. The Ministry of Human Resources' regions now align with both of these other provincial ministries.
New Measures (2004/05)
1. Percentage of clients using electronic fund transfers.
Electronic fund transfers are an efficient means of providing income assistance to clients. They reduce costs, ensure payments are delivered through a verified process, and other numerous advantages over the issuance of paper cheques, to both clients and the ministry.
Data available from 2002/03 can establish a baseline. A higher percentage of clients using electronic fund transfers indicates that the ministry is successfully using technology-based options to provide streamlined and effective service.
New Performance Measure |
2002/03 Baseline |
2003/04 Target |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
Percentage of clients using electronic fund transfers (NEW) |
38.7% |
42% |
42% |
45% |
50% |
2. Comprehensive strategic risk profile completed.
The ministry is implementing enterprise-wide risk management by identifying and assessing service plan risks at a process and operational level. The assessment will include the likelihood and effectiveness of controls in managing these risks, and a strategic risk profile will be developed. This measure indicates success in identifying, assessing and profiling strategic risks facing the ministry. The target for future years is to complete risk profiles for all identified strategic risks.
New Performance Measure |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Comprehensive strategic risk profile completed (NEW) |
100% |
100% |
100% |
3. Percentage of reconsideration decisions that are made within ten business days.
Clients have the right to request ministry decisions be reconsidered. This is an internal ministry process — a 'second look' — that is separate from the external appeal process. For this measure, the ten business days begin when the client returns a signed Request for Reconsideration to the Employment and Assistance office or to the regional office. The Reconsideration Adjudicator reviews the information, and makes a new decision. If unsatisfied, a client may appeal this decision to the Employment and Appeal Tribunal office.
This measure reflects changes to ministry procedures and the introduction of the reconsideration process. A higher percentage for this measure indicates the ministry is doing a better job of meeting regulatory requirements and of providing timely and efficient service to clients.
New Performance Measure |
2003/04 Baseline |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Percentage of reconsideration decisions that are made within ten business days (NEW) |
81.9% |
86% |
87% |
88% |