Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Goal 5: A progressive, innovative and knowledgeable workforce

The ministry has consistently recognized its dependence upon the continued support and professionalism of our highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Ultimately, it is our staff who drives the quality and value of the services we provide to our clients, stakeholders and the people of British Columbia.

Since the release of our Service Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06, the ministry has actively pursued the objectives of both Government's Public Sector Renewal Initiative and those identified by our staff. Specifically, efforts have been made to identify opportunities to enhance the leadership, support and developmental opportunities members of the ministry require and deserve. The ministry's executive has worked to build upon these successes by promoting proactive and visionary leadership at all levels of the organization. Throughout the year, our workforce has demonstrated considerable commitment and professionalism pursuing ministry goals with a clear sense of purpose and pride.

Goal 5: A progressive, innovative and knowledgeable workforce.

Objective 5.1: Proactive and visionary leadership

The ministry needs to actively encourage leadership at all levels of its organization so that all members of the Finance team have the opportunity to develop their expertise and gain the necessary qualifications for whatever levels of the organization interests them. This objective recognizes that not everyone who aspires to advance in leadership roles will be successful but works to ensure that opportunities are accessible. Those individuals who aspire to leadership positions within other areas of government will also be supported to provide them with the opportunity to continue contributing to the success of the public sector at large.

Key Strategy Core Business Area
1. Establish, define and communicate management leadership competency requirements

• All Core Business Areas


  • Created a ministry intranet hyperlink providing access to standard public sector competencies, related training materials and practical exercises.
  • Encouraged staff at all levels to develop their leadership skills using a variety of tools including 360-Degree Feedback and participation in Leading the Way courses.
  • Encouraged greater staff participation and input into the ministry's Human Resource Management Plan Working Group.
Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual 2003/04 Variance
Percentage of staff satisfied that leadership learning and development strategies and/or opportunities are available N/A 49% 60% 55% 5 percentage point shortfall
Selection Rationale: Staff satisfaction with the leadership learning and development strategies available provides valuable insights into the ministry's success in providing these opportunities. Higher satisfaction ratings can be expected to benefit both individuals and the ministry through increased staff capacity and retention.
Variance: The ministry's Human Resource Management Plan Working Group is exploring the cause of the shortfall. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the increased emphasis upon leadership opportunities has created unfulfilled expectations prior to a comprehensive rollout of the revised human resources plan.

Objective 5.2: Performance-focused workforce

The goal, objectives and key strategies outlined in the ministry's annual service plan provide the basis for all of our work. Accordingly, the creation of linkages between the day-to-day activities of staff and the strategic direction of the ministry is critical for the delivery of effective and results-oriented services. Staff members have reaffirmed the importance of this effort. They have found that providing them with detailed information on how their work contributes to the success of the ministry and clarifying expected results supports greater job satisfaction and promotes organizational improvement.

Key Strategies Core Business Area
1. Supervisors to review Employee Performance and Development Plans (EPDP) annually with each of their staff members

• All Core Business Areas

2. Communicate to staff on a regular basis about the status of the ministry human resources plan and how it integrates with the ministry's service plan


  • Community conversation sessions and regular meetings addressing the service plan and issues of performance were held with all staff and the Deputy Minister.
  • Staff EPDP resource materials and orientation workshops have been provided to most areas of the ministry.
  • Monthly communiqués from the Deputy Minister featuring various components of the ministry's Human Resource Management Plan.
Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual 2003/04 Variance
Percentage of staff with a current Employee Performance and Development Plan N/A 23%

Required for all excluded staff

100% of managers

67% of managers 33 percentage point shortfall
Selection Rationale: Staff EPDPs provide an important linkage between the activities of individuals and the strategic direction of their business unit and the ministry as a whole. Identifying performance expectations within EPDPs also supports greater accountability and improves communication between staff and supervisors. Finally, the EPDP exercise also provides staff with an opportunity to explore their personal growth and development objectives.
The ministry has revised the performance target for 2004/05 to include all members of the Finance team rather than just excluded (managers) staff. During the past year the ministry has increased the percentage amongst all staff with current EDPDs to 59%.

Objective 5.3: Learning and innovative organization

Given the pace of change in both the private and public sectors the ministry must encourage a management and operating culture that embraces new ideas and ways of doing business. Members of the ministry must be provided with opportunities to accept appropriate levels of risk, to innovate and to change. This cultural shift relies upon open communication with staff, mutual trust and the development of new skills and non-traditional learning opportunities.

Key Strategy Core Business Area
1. Provide staff with information and access to development, training and learning opportunities

• All Core Business Areas


  • Managers and staff have worked together to clarify risk parameters within which employees can work independently and existing training programs have been refined to explore the issues of innovation and appropriate risks.
  • Staff development opportunities including temporary assignments, cross training and special project team assignments have been activity pursued.
Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual 2003/04 Variance
Percentage of staff who agree that learning and development opportunities are accessible N/A 66% 70% 44% Shortfall of 26 percentage points
Selection Rationale: Providing staff with ongoing learning and development opportunities will enhance the quality of service and improve staff retention.
Variance: A significant number of learning and development opportunities take place in the Fall — one of the ministry's busiest periods. The ministry is working with the Public Service Agency and the Leadership Center to make the opportunities available throughout the year.


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