2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report
Ministry of Finance
Appendix 1: Performance-at-a-Glance
The following table reports on the ministry's success in achieving the performance measures detailed in the Service Plan 2003/04. In summary, the ministry met fifteen of its performance targets, did not achieve five targets and was unable to report on one target due to a change in the measure.
Performance Measure
2003/04 Target
Was the Target Achieved?
Implementing government's three-year fiscal plan and balancing the budget beginning in 2004/05
Achieve annual targets for provincial budget
$2.3 B Deficit
Debt to GDP Ratio
(Provincial ranking — Moody's)
In the Lowest 3
Debt service costs
(Provincial ranking — Moody's)
2nd Lowest
Provincial credit rating (Moody's)
Compensation cost changes over 2002/03 compensation base
Days lost due to labour disruption in the BC Public Sector
+/- 10% of Canadian Average days lost
Creating a tax and regulatory climate that stimulates economic growth
Provincial ranking of personal income tax rates for the bottom two tax brackets
Provincial ranking of the top personal marginal tax rate
In the Lowest 3
Number of regulatory requirements (2004/05 target is a 1/3 reduction from 2001/02 baseline)
Per cent annual growth in business registrations
5% (51,205)
Percentage of company incorporations and registrations filed electronically
Effective and efficient financial and risk management
Annual savings from self-insurance (5 year rolling average)
$32.1 Million
Potential average annual benefits realized from utilizing a risk-based approach for post-payment monitoring of expenditures and by management implementing Internal Audit and Advisory Services recommendations
$5.2 Million
Stakeholders' satisfaction with the policy framework for financial management
Determine Baseline
Comprehensive, timely and transparent financial and performance planning and reporting
Full implementation of GAAP
Delivery date for annual Public Accounts
July 15th
Alignment of Estimates, Budgets, and core business areas
Substantially Aligned
Percentage of responses to ministerial correspondence completed within two weeks
A progressive, innovative and knowledgeable workforce
Percentage of staff satisfied that leadership learning and development strategies and/or opportunities are available
Percentage of staff with a current Employee Performance and Development Plan
Required for all excluded staff
100% of managers
67% of managers
Percentage of staff who agree that learning and development opportunities are accessible