Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Report on Results

Goal 3: To Be a Responsive and Accountable Organization

Core Business: Ministry of Energy and Mines
Objective Performance Measure 2003/04
(see notes below)
Efficient human resource management consistent with best practices. Introduce regular performance planning for all employees. 100 per cent of all excluded employees have an Employee Performance and Development Plan (EPDP) in place.

• 100 per cent of all excluded employees have a performance plan in place.

Target achieved.
  Implement Ministry Human Resource Renewal Plan. 100 per cent of HRRP goals have implementation teams in place. Each team to have completed an implementation plan.

• New HR plan developed and working committees established to implement.

• Staff forum established greater communication among staff on operational issues, Human Resource plan and service plan implementation.

On track.
Develop performance reporting and long-term alternative funding mechanism for new revenue generating projects. Account for generating incremental revenue in each of the next three years. Generate increased revenues of $27.2 million. Incremental revenue of $471 million was generated. Target exceeded.
Eliminate 33 per cent of the ministry's regulations by June 2004. Eliminate 5,899 regulations from a baseline regulation count of 17,698. Eliminate 11 per cent of regulations. Eliminated 2,249 or 12.68 per cent of regulations. Target exceeded.


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