Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Report on Resources

Report on Resources

  Estimated Other Authorizations Total Estimated Actual1 Variance2
Operating Expenses ($000's)
Public Schools 4,075,817 4,075,817 4,027,967 47,850
Independent Schools 167,349 167,349 165,387 1,962
Debt Service and Amortization 569,434 569,434 545,270 24,164
Management Services 17,375 17,375 17,158 217
Executive and Support Services 29,964 29,964 30,854 (890)
TOTAL 4,859,939 4,859,939 4,786,636 73,303
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Management Services 100 100 85 15
Executive and Support Services 217 217 204 13
TOTAL 317 317 289 28
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)3
Management Services 1,079 1,079 511 568
Executive and Support Services 4,050 938 4,988 5,556 (568)
TOTAL 5,129 938 6,067 6,067 0
Consolidated Capital Plan Expenditures (CCP) ($000)4
Public Schools 195,000 195,000 138,978 56,022
TOTAL 195,000 195,000 138,978 56,022
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Not Applicable


The Province has changed its accounting treatment with respect to recognizing certain federal contributions towards K-12 education. The impact on the 2003/04 fiscal year is a $52 million reduction in both CRF revenue and CRF education expense. There is no impact on provincial net operating results.
There are a variety of federal funding arrangements in place under which federal contributions towards K-12 education may be paid directly to the province in some cases or to school boards in other cases. Previously, to provide a consistent accounting and reporting of these funds, the gross cost of education was reported as a provincial expense. To avoid double funding of students, the amount of contributions received by school boards was recovered from school boards and reported as provincial revenue. Total funding received by school boards was unaffected by this change in accounting.
Under the revised accounting treatment, CRF education revenue and expense will no longer reflect funding that is paid directly to school boards.


Variance between Estimated and Actual Expenditures:
Public Schools
— mainly related to the change in accounting treatment as described in note 1 above.
Independent Schools — lower than budgeted independent school enrolment.
Debt Service and Amortization — $33.6 million in reduced debt service costs offset by $9.5 million net over expenditure in Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances. Debt Service costs were less than budgeted due to lower than anticipated interest rates, higher than anticipated sinking fund earnings and reduced capital spending. Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances was adjusted for (1) over-amortization of previous years $45 million and (2) estimate of school closures $54 million.

3  Ministry Capital Expenditures — additional authorization of $938,000 was approved by Treasury Board from government contingency to fund the Common Student Information System.
4  Consolidated Capital Plan Expenditures — For ongoing construction projects, a major contributing factor to the underexpenditure of $56 million was a slower pace of construction, usually work force related, that has resulted in delays in the completion of projects. Some other projects were delayed in starting due to budget issues or high tender prices. For new capital projects approved in 2003/04, cash flow projections proved to be overly optimistic, as some site acquisitions did not proceed as quickly as anticipated, and other projects had not completed the design phase.


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