Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Performance Reporting

Goal 1: To promote an environment where adults and children with developmental disabilities can participate in and contribute to their communities and live a full and valued life

In 2003/04, ministry activities focused on the vision that adults with developmental disabilities deserve more opportunity to achieve their dreams and contribute to society, facilitated by greater independence and quality of life. Activities included development of individualized funding for adults with developmental disabilities and children and youth with special needs, and the continued planning for the devolution of services for people with developmental disabilities to a provincial community-based governing body for community living in 2004/05.

Core Business Area: Community Living Services

Objective 1.1: To establish a sustainable community living system that supports the needs of adults and children with developmental disabilities, their families and communities.

Moving authority for service delivery planning to a community governance body will support greater flexibility and efficiency in meeting the diverse needs of the people served and thus create a more sustainable service delivery system in the future.

Progress on This Objective

  • Developed individualized and direct funding options for adults with developmental disabilities.
  • Continued to support the Interim Authority for Community Living British Columbia to become a permanent governing body.

Objective 1.2: To increase family and community capacity to exercise responsibility to support adults and children with developmental disabilities.

Families and communities have primary responsibility for supporting adults with developmental disabilities and children and youth with special needs. The ministry provides a variety of services to assist families to carry out these responsibilities.

Progress on This Objective

  • Developed creative new options for supporting children with special needs through the Supported Child Care initiative and At Home Program Respite programs.
  • Introduced new direct funding programs, including Interim Early Intensive Intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder under six years of age, and Extended Autism Intervention for children over six years of age.
  • Initiated the process for providing individualized funding to adults with developmental disabilities to enable them to purchase services that best meet their needs.

Performance Measure and Target:

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual Variance Target Met?
Percentage of community living clients receiving individualized or direct funding (IF/DF) New measure for 2003/04 Establish Baseline;
New Measure

(Baseline established as a number)

See Performance Analysis below
: target exceeded; : target met; : target missed
What you need to know about this measure
Performance Analysis • The baseline number is based on planning for the first group of adults to participate in the IF/DF initiative. More than 600 adults applied for IF/DF and individualized planning began for 53.

• Although the baseline was established, several factors delayed progress on this initiative, including:

— delays in establishing Community Living BC (CLBC) as a legislated authority

— limits in the Province's capacity to contract and make payments directly to individuals or their representatives

— questions about tax implications of payments made to participants and eligibility for other income tested provincial or federal benefits, and

— limited availability of trained staff during periods of workforce adjustment

Changes to this measure in the 2004/05 Service Plan In the 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan, a new measure, Number of adults and families of children with special needs who receive direct or individualized funding, merges this measure with another measure, Percentage of children with special needs ... that are receiving direct or individualized funding. The two measures were combined for administrative ease of reporting.


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