Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Performance Reporting

Core Business Area 6: Corporate Services

Goal 6: Policy, administrative and financial systems, complemented by a human resource strategy that allows the ministry to operate efficiently and effectively.

Outcome: An efficient, accountable administrative operating environment to achieve clear policy objectives, supported by productive and skilled employees.

The ministry's success depends on effective corporate functions and human resource planning. Supporting administrative, financial and policy/legislative services help to focus the ministry on key goals and opportunities and ensure the ministry and its business areas work effectively, use financial and staff resources wisely and maintain a high level of accountability to British Columbians.

Measures Baseline 2003/04 Target 2002/03 Actual
Compliance with the government's strategic plan


Ministry service plan


Ministry achievement of the service plan objectives

On target:

18 of 22 performance targets achieved or substantially achieved

Note:  Performance has been reported on 22 targets. One additional target was refined in 2003/04 and performance could not be assessed.


Objective 1: A comprehensive human resource management plan that encourages/develops leadership while providing for succession planning, recruitment, performance measurement and training.


  • Deliver a human resource management plan over a period of five years, including recruitment as needed, training, skill development and employee performance management and development plans.

Performance Measures and Results

Performance will be monitored by identifying the extent to which components of the human resource management plan have been implemented over the next three years.

Measures Baseline 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Human resource plan in place


Human resource plan being developed


Strategies refined for training, succession and recognition

On target:

HR management plan (including development objectives for a ministry learning plan and succession plan) developed and finalized with broad staff input. Implementation underway.

Activities Related to this Objective:

Performance plans for ministry staff

All executive, directors, excluded managers and most other managers have completed 1.5 days of employee performance and development plans (EPDP) training.

85 per cent of excluded managers have registered EPDPs; the rest are in discussion with supervisors or going through job reassignment.

Succession planning Succession planning project charter developed and approved by executive. Leadership competencies identified and included in all senior management (ML 6+) postings.

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Objective 2: A flexible, comprehensive policy framework that supports the ministry's new mandate as determined in the core review process, and which is fully documented and communicated to staff, other ministries and the industry.


  • Develop and/or update policies on core business areas as needed; develop and adjust legislation.
  • Continue developing strategic alliances with other ministries and outside agencies to ensure they understand and support agriculture, food and fisheries policies in efforts to optimize economic growth for B.C.

Performance Measures and Results

A key measure of success for the ministry is the documentation of a targeted policy framework for the ministry as well as effectively communicating and advancing policies to other agencies, interests and levels of government that have a significant influence on the ability of the ministry to achieve its broader goals of growth in the agriculture, food and fisheries sectors.

Measures Baseline 2003/04 Target 2003/04 Actual
A strategic policy framework that improves the economic climate, meets deregulation targets and ensures business areas are founded on a firm policy and legislative base


APF in place


Implementation agreement signed

Target achieved:

APF implementation agreement signed June 13, 2003, representing a five-year commitment in federal and provincial funding that will support:

  • Business risk management
  • Environmental farm planning
  • Further development of food safety and quality systems
  • Business management
  • Science and innovation programs


No policy framework for fisheries and aquaculture


Fisheries and aquaculture for the 21st century.

On target:

Completed B.C. Seafood Sector and Tidal Water Recreational Fishing SWOT analysis. Policy framework a service plan priority for 2004/05.

Launched Certainty for All Strategy for federal-provincial release in May 2005.

Note:  The performance measure as originally worded in the ministry's service plan for 2003/04-2005/06 was as follows: "A documented policy framework available and communicated to all relevant stakeholders regarding the ministry's six core business areas." The wording of this measure was refined during the course of 2003/04 to direct the ministry's efforts to policy areas that were of greatest strategic importance in achieving service plan goals. 
Note:  The baselines and targets were refined in 2003/04 to identify specific baselines and targets for key policy areas. The baseline as originally worked in the ministry's service plan for 2003/04-2005/06 was as follows: "Policies in place, but more complete documentation underway."


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