Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Summary of Performance Measure Results, 2002/03

The following tables summarize the key performance results of the fiscal year 2002/03, by goal.

Environmental Protection — Protect human health and safety by ensuring clean and safe water, land and air.

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
industrial sectors for which the ministry has established clear, up-to-date performance expectations.
Oil industry stewardship program. Oil industry stewardship program expanded in January 2003. Target met.
Amendment of Contaminated Sites Regulation. First phase of legislative changes was prepared for introduction in spring 2003 legislative session. Awaiting review of legislative changes. Work in progress on further changes to contaminated sites regulatory regime.
Overhaul of Pesticide Control Act. New legislation was prepared for introduction in spring 2003 legislative session. Awaiting review of new legislation. Timing depends on dates of legislative session and government priorities.
Compliance with standards (includes municipal and industrial sectors for which results-based standards or regulations are already in place, e.g., asphalt, municipal sewage). Measure to be developed in 2002/03. Work conducted on developing the ministry's overall compliance strategy, of which compliance reporting will be a part. Ministry approach to compliance is under review.
Frequency of inspections of high-risk authorizations. Minimum of annual inspection for each site. 77 high-risk sites were inspected, some more than once where risk was considered particularly high.

Total inspections/ visits: 215.

The 13 sites not inspected were not considered to be high risk in 2002/03.
Timeliness of issuing waste management authorizations. 0-6 months for non-permit approvals; 12-24 months for remaining high-risk detailed approvals. Data on timeliness not available, but 240 permit processing decisions made and backlog reduced from 298 to 75. Process for collecting data on timeliness of issuing non-permit approvals was not in place. Not enough time has elapsed for data to be available for high-risk approvals.
Percentage of communities meeting the provincial air quality objective for PM10 of 50 μg/m3 (24-hour average). 55% of communities 58% of communities met the target (22 of 38 communities) Target exceeded.
Total greenhouse gas emissions in British Columbia. No target was identified. Development of the Climate Change Action Plan for British Columbia is in progress. The plan will include an emission reduction target. None.
Trend of surface water quality. Increase number of water bodies where trend reporting is possible. 30 water bodies monitored. Target met.
Testing and trends for nitrates in groundwater. Maintain monitoring capacity in the three critical aquifers. Monitoring in 3 critical aquifers maintained.

Nitrate monitoring expanded to 15 other community aquifers.

Target exceeded.
Number of aquifers identified and classified. 488 593 Target exceeded.
An appropriate measure relating to industry-led product stewardship. Measure to be developed in 2002/03. New measure was identified in new Service Plan. Target met.
Number of toxic spill emergency response plans tested (ministry plans, industrial plans, response agency plans). Ministry plans: 2 approved, 1 tested.

Industrial plans: 7 tested.

Response agency plans: 2 tested

No plans were tested. There were more than 3,000 spill incidents in 2002/03. The ministry made considerable progress towards shifting responsibility for low- and medium-risk spills to industry and other partners and responded to the nearly 300 high-risk spills. Program is adopting a new risk-based approach to identifying spills.

Environmental Stewardship — Maintain and restore the natural diversity of ecosystems, and fish and wildlife species and their habitat.

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
An appropriate species management measure reflecting the Biodiversity Strategy and priority-setting. Measure to be developed in 2004/05. There was no deliverable for 2002/03. Two new measures related to species management were identified in the new Service Plan. None.
Number of established Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA). 75 WHAs 86 WHAs Target exceeded.
Number and percentage of protected areas with approved management direction. 555




89% of target met; shortfall (35) expected to be met in early 2003/04.
Number of responses to known significant threats in protected areas. 80 135 Target exceeded

Park and Wildlife Recreation — Provide park and wildlife recreational services and opportunities to British Columbians and visitors.

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Timely distribution of annual freshwater sport fishing synopsis and wildlife hunting and trapping synopsis. Angling synopsis published by March 15. Hunting synopsis published by July 15. Angling synopsis published March 1.

Hunting synopsis published July 15.

Target met.
Park visitor satisfaction with campground facilities and services. 75% 78% Target exceeded.


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