2002/03 Annual Service
Plan Report
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection |
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection is committed to protecting
the quality of British Columbia's environment. We have a mandate
to reduce pollution and the accompanying risks to human health;
maintain and restore our province's natural biological diversity;
and manage our parks, protected areas, wildlife and fish for the
benefit of present and future British Columbians and our many visitors.
This Annual Service Plan Report outlines our achievements in relation
to our 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan. Over the past year,
we have made notable progress in achieving our annual performance
targets and carrying out our strategic shifts. We have made decisions
based on sound science; created opportunities for innovation and
economic development; reduced regulatory requirements; and continued
to protect our natural environment. We moved ahead with our efforts
to tackle a number of major environmental issues, such as climate
change, and are working to ensure that British Columbia's interests
are addressed. Contributions from the Recreation Stewardship Panel,
Contaminated Sites Panel, and Wildlife-Human Conflict Prevention
Team provided a solid foundation for the ministry's 2003 legislative
agenda. This will form the basis of a framework that is cost-effective,
focused on environmental results, and encourages innovation.
The ministry continues to support our government's broad vision
of a strong and vibrant provincial economy; a supportive social
infrastructure; safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment.
We recognize the need for responsible management of ministry resources
and ongoing performance management. To continue improving in the
years ahead, we remain committed to investing in our human resources
and information systems.
Promoting stewardship and shared responsibility remains key to
achieving our environmental goals. We will continue to increase
partnership opportunities with governments, First Nations, communities,
academic institutions, industries, volunteer organizations and the
public. I would like to thank ministry staff, our colleagues in
other ministries, our numerous partners outside of government and
the people of British Columbia for their dedication to protecting
and improving the quality of our spectacular natural environment
now and in the future.
Honourable Joyce Murray