Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 5: Organizational excellence

The ministry strives to encourage efficiency, innovation, responsiveness, accountability and clear communication in delivering services for the public. This contributes to the quality of all ministry outcomes.

Objective 1: Effective and efficient delivery of the ministry's mission

Good progress has been made in continuing the creation of the ministry's structures and management processes, and most targets have been achieved under this objective.

Planned Strategies

Develop and implement a comprehensive performance management system.

Develop and implement strategic/operational budget systems.

Provide corporate services under a shared services model for Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Land and Water British Columbia Inc., Agricultural Land Commission and Environmental Assessment Office.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Percentage of staff with performance agreements in place between staff and supervisors

100% of management staff by end of 2002/03; 100% of all staff by end of 2003/04

Below target

• 84% of management staff with Employee Performance Development Plans (EPDPs) in place

Staff experience with EPDPs very limited.

• EPDP goals driven by business goals, some of which were changed during the year.

Corporate Services Division client satisfaction rating

Baseline and targets for 2003/04 and 2004/05 established by end of 2002/03


Satisfaction survey completed and baselines established for each survey question. Information used in the crafting of new service level agreement

Performance measure amended in 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan.


  • Completed a number of performance management initiatives, including: development of performance measures, the 2001/02 Annual Service Plan Report, the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan, a ministry corporate calendar, a vote structure to support transparent reporting of performance linked to budget/spending in line with BC Reporting Principles, quarterly reporting of service plan performance to the Executive, and a low-cost performance tracking system in collaboration with Common Information Technology Services and a consortia of five ministries.
  • Successfully implemented a shared service model for corporate services delivery with six client partners, the first in government to do so, with negotiated service level agreements, a partnership board and a ministry client satisfaction survey to identify and test service levels.


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Objective 2: Effective workforce

The ministry was unable to achieve the target under this objective as workforce adjustment resulted in delayed implementation of critical succession planning. The ministry's workforce continues to be effective and goal oriented.

Planned Strategies

• Adjust workforce fairly over three years.

Recruit and retain staff with critical skills and knowledge.

• Ensure staff wellness and training.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Percentage of critical positions for which succession plans are in place

Critical positions identified by end of 2002/03; succession plans for 80% by end of 2003/04; 100% by end of 2004/05

Below target

0% of critical positions identified

• Timing of strategy concerning critical positions changed

Reduced priority

Succession planning strategy rolled forward into next service plan cycle.


  • Developed major strategies focused on the people and culture of the newly created Information BC to ensure its success.
  • Restructured the Corporate Land and Resource Governance division to meet new ministry responsibilities concerning property assessment and contaminated sites.

Objective 3: Effective communication to the public, stakeholders, partners, clients and staff

The ministry has achieved the target under this objective by increasing the number of Internet and intranet Web site visitors as well as the amount of internet information requested. Delivery of external ministry communications was transferred to the Public Affairs Bureau during the year.

Planned Strategies

  • Improve content and increase use of Internet and intranet Web sites.
  • Develop campaign for public education and awareness of sustainable development of BC's land and resources.
Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Number of ministry Internet and intranet Web site visits per year

10% increase annually

On target

Internet: (Aug. to March)

    Distinct users — 108% increase

    Pages requested — 155% increase

Intranet (April to March)

    Distinct users — 33% increase

    Pages requested — 24% increase

Internet use data not available before August.


  • Improved staff awareness of ministry priorities and upcoming changes through more than 25 Executive Update DM/ADM messages posted on the Web site during the year.
  • Launched new self-service Web-based human resource tool for ministry use: People Management on-line. Portions of the tool and format have been adopted by the British Columbia Public Service Agency for government-wide use.
  • Launched new tools and processes to create effective communication with internal ministry clients, including a Web site, a quarterly newsletter, a tracking report and three focus groups held with clients to identify service delivery improvement.

Goal 5 Resources

Operating expenditures were $2.5 million, 2% of the ministry total.


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