Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 3: Effective delivery of integrated, science-based land, resource and geographic information

Achievement of this goal will result in timely, well-informed land and resource-use decisions by the public and private sectors. This in turn should improve the identification of investment opportunities and lower costs to the private sector and government. The ministry has a lead role in providing such services.

Objective 1: Accurate, relevant, cost-effective and timely land and resource data and information

The desired outcomes were largely accomplished although not reflected in the performance measures. Regarding the first performance measure, the strategies were designed to better integrate land and resource data for ease in use and data quality is being achieved as a by-product. Strategies and performance measures have shifted to place more emphasis on client business needs and to improve methods of integrating data systems.

Planned Strategies

Establish common data and information standards.

Consolidate registry and resource information processes and applications.

Work with clients to define information needs.

• Work with clients and partners to provide analysis and interpretation of land and resource information, and build their capacity to analyze and interpret data.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Percentage of data sets that meet quality assurance standard

75% by end of 2002/03; 85% by end of 2004/05

Measure replaced

Most of the major resource data sets that the ministry collects and houses conform to Resources Inventory Standards Committee standards

It has not been possible to define and track this measure cost-effectively.

• It has been replaced in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan with two measures concerning systems integration and client satisfaction.

Per cent reduction in number of corporate systems brought into the ministry (2001/02)

30% reduction in corporate systems by end of 2004/05

Below target

Systems inventory complete. Currently have achieved reduction of 5% of systems

Rather than deleting many of these systems, the ministry is obtaining efficiencies by integrating and improving the performance of these systems.

• It has been replaced in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan.

Per cent reduction in ministry costs of registries, land titles, resource inventories and base mapping

Cost reductions relative to 2001/02: 5% by end of 2002/03, 15% by end of 2003/04, 30% by end of 2004/05

On target

10% cost reduction

Measure has been replaced in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan since it simply reflects budget reductions covered in the resource tables and is not a good measure of efficiency improvements as was intended.


  • Held a Land Information BC workshop with 13 client groups. Service level agreement negotiations were started with four clients (Ministry of Forests, Treaty Negotiation Office, Resource Management Division, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection).
  • Developed and implemented a highly efficient planning and cost-sharing analysis tool for treaty negotiations along with a data sharing policy. Information tools were also developed for two First Nations.


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Objective 2: Simple, fast access to resource, registry and land title information

The target under this objective has been met. Although the objective is still primarily focused on providing fast, easy access to land and resource data, the ministry has changed strategies to be more client-focused within and outside government. Instead of being concerned with the mechanics of information access, it has shifted to providing a more value-added products.

Planned Strategies

Establish common standards for data management, warehousing and distribution.

Deliver a corporate land and resource information data warehouse.

Establish single Web portal for clients to access "seamless" data and information, submit requests and pay fees electronically.

• Register archaeological sites with the Land Title Office.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Number of integrated provincial data sets available through the Land and Resource Data warehouse

15 integrated provincial data sets by end of 2002/03

On target

16 integrated provincial data sets as of March 31, 2003



  • Completed the detailed design for Electronic Filing System at Land Title Branch and commenced system development.
  • Completed the design of land and resource information data warehouse along with an access strategy, and migrated 35% of existing data destined for the warehouse.
  • A prototype access tool has been developed to provide clients with easy and consistent access to natural resource-related information (

Objective 3: Alternative service-delivery methods, including public/private partnerships

As planned, the ministry has refined the target under this objective taking into account constraints discussed under Ministry Operating Context.

Planned Strategies

Establish frameworks to ensure that partnership agreements will be in the public interest, and that their performance is effectively managed and accountable.

• Establish partnerships for inventory collection.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Value of new partnerships (revenues, recoveries and cost reductions)

$40 million by end of 2004/05 (subject to refinement in 2002/03)

On target

• $6 million in cost recovery, reduction or avoidance

Target for 2004/05 has been refined down to $10 million in latest service plan. It is taking longer than originally anticipated to complete partnerships as a result of economic conditions and longer time frames to develop required government policies, procedures and staff skills.


  • Created an overall framework for the development of partnerships and are pursuing a range of opportunities.
  • Developed a business plan for a major partnership with the forest industry.
  • Helped establish the CoinPacific partnership to develop a coastal ocean information network. A pilot project is being set up to deliver the information network's infrastructure.
  • On behalf of nine provincial and five federal partners, the ministry's Base Mapping and Geomatics Services branch is delivering the Canada-wide Differential Global Positioning System Correction Service as a national service. It will be operational in June 2003.
  • Less than halfway through its work schedule, the Integrated Cadastral Information Society (ICIS) has compiled maps of just over 50% of private land parcels. ICIS was established in 2001 as a partnership of the ministry, six utility companies and BC local governments to collectively reduce mapping costs and create new value through an integrated property map product that combines provincial Crown land and private parcels.

Goal 3 Resources

Operating expenditures were $71.3 million, 58% of the ministry total.


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