Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 2: Sustainable development of land and resources

Resource-based economic development through timely and certain access to land and resources, based on strategic land-use and coastal planning

The ministry contributed to economic development opportunities over the year by working with other ministries, First Nations, local government and other stakeholders to provide provincial, regional and sub-regional guidance in a variety of plans, sector strategies, policies and processes. Such planning helps ensure resource management decisions take into account the needs of communities, the economy and the environment, now and in the future. This planning process will enable the province to increase certainty in resource allocation, attract investment and realize resource-based economic opportunities that will benefit all British Columbians.

Objective 1: Certainty and reduced conflict regarding land and resource use

The ministry had mixed success in achieving its targets under this objective due to external issues. Delays in some of the strategies resulted in increased work to complete them and escalated work on other strategies such as Sustainable Resource Management Plans (SRMPs).

Planned Strategies

Complete and implement Land and

Resource Management Plans (LRMPs) for Central Coast, Morice, North Coast, Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands and Sea-to-Sky.

Complete and implement high-priority landscape plans and high-priority coastal plans.

Establish working forest land base.

Make the Land Reserve Commission more regionally responsive to community needs (see ALC annual report).

Co-ordinate watershed and water-use planning.

• Participate in implementation of the Living Rivers Strategy.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Specified new LRMPs, which satisfy sustainability principles, completed by target date

Central Coast LRMP completed by end of 2002/03; North Coast, Haida Gwaii/Queen Charlotte Islands (HG/QCI), Sea-to-Sky and Morice LRMPs completed by end of 2003/04

Below target

Minister approved timeline extension December 2003 for Central Coast LRMP so the plan can be informed by Coast Information Team (CIT) products, which have been delayed

North Coast, Morice and Sea-to-Sky plans continue on schedule

• HG/QCI LRMP planning framework agreement with Haida signed; March open houses held; Table discussions begin June 2003 with expected completion by fall 2004

CIT timeline extension warranted by international attention and need for strong science and First Nation consultation/ accommodation HG/QCI framework delayed by broader First Nation negotiations including the coastal First Nation/LWBC tenure policy; issues now resolved.

Number of new coastal plans, which satisfy sustainability principles, completed by target dates

Five coastal plans completed by end of 2002/03; an additional two coastal plans completed by end of 2003/04

Below target

Two plans approved (North Island Straits and Baynes Sound)

Five expected to be completed by December 2003 (Kyuquot, Chatham, Quatsino, Cortes and Malaspina)

• Work initiated to develop Johnstone-Bute Coastal Plan

Four delayed (Chatham Sound due to regional resourcing issues; Quatsino due to expansion to involve federal government for producing an integrated plan; Cortes Island and Malaspina due to staffing challenges).


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Land and Resource Management Plans

  • Completed and will soon release a revised draft of the Lillooet LRMP.

Sustainable Resource Management Planning

  • Released guidelines for this opportunity-focused planning ("Sustainable Resource Management Planning — a Landscape level Strategy for Resource Development";
  • Initiated or continued a number of SRMPs, including: Eight Peaks, initiated to integrate tourism (backcountry skiing) with forestry in the Blue River area (; continued Southern Rocky Mountains plan (; and initiated Canoe Mountain plan to resolve forestry issue related to new resort development.
  • Completed sub-regional planning in Horsefly and Southern Chilcotin (; established Gold Rush Snowmobile Trail in the Cariboo region to reduce conflict and create tourism and recreational opportunities (; and released Sayward Forest plan focusing on biodiversity, forestry and recreation ( river/sayward.htm).
  • Released the Data Analysis and Reporting Tool to assist in the completion of landscape plans (

Working forest land base

  • Released initial policy proposals for public review and stakeholder consultation. See New Era Commitment number 4.

Watershed and water-use planning

  • Contributed to the Living Rivers strategy by completing a review of the BC/Canada Watershed-based Fish Sustainability Planning process and preparing a draft report on guidelines for in-stream flow requirements in collaboration with MWLAP (
  • Strategy to fund the implementation of water-use plans at BC Hydro facilities approved by Treasury Board. Four water-use plans were received from BC Hydro and are under review by the Comptroller of Water Rights.

Objective 2: Science-based, balanced management of land and resources

In response to government's focus on sustainable economic development, the ministry has altered its strategies under this objective to increase work on the identification of economic development opportunities through land- and resource-use planning. The priority of monitoring land-use plans has been reduced.

Planned Strategies

Set standards for land- and resource-use planning and monitoring.

Monitor and improve completed land-use plans.

Incorporate environmental risk assessment and environmental valuation in land- and resource-use planning.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance

Number of land-use plans with new monitoring reports

Three monitoring reports for land-use plans completed by end of 2002/03; one more by end of 2003/04; total of eight completed by end of 2004/05

Below target

None, as very limited work has been undertaken on these reports

Reduced priority

To meet government's increased emphasis on economic development, the priority for this work has been reduced.


  • On schedule with the Planning and Land-Use Monitoring System Pilot. A prototype Web portal has been developed and is undergoing initial testing. LRMP objectives are being loaded into this prototype as funding allows.
  • Developed the Guiding Principles for Socio-Economic and Environmental Assessment for Land-Use Planning, currently undergoing peer review. Forty "building blocks", designed to model the socio-economic contribution of various sectors, have also been developed and are being peer reviewed.

Objective 3: Stronger and more diversified resource-based local economies

Good progress has been made towards achieving the amended target under this objective. The strategies were changed earlier in the year to focus on development of resource sector strategies through the completion of regional tourism opportunity studies for priority areas.

Planned Strategies

Assist in the development of resource sector strategies to identify economic development opportunities.

Original Strategy. Participate with regional groups to identify local economic development opportunities, establish priorities, implement development projects, monitor and report against targets.

Amended Strategy. Complete regional tourism opportunity studies (TOS) for priority areas.

Performance Measures Targets Actual Explanation of Variance
Original PM

Approved summary of regional economic development opportunities for each region

Three regions by end of 2002/03; all six regions by end of 2003/04


The strategies and performance measure under this objective have been amended to that immediately below.

Amended PM

• Number of tourism opportunity studies (TOS) completed

Amended Target

• Six TOS completed by end of 2002/03

Substantially achieved

5 TOS completed (Okanagan, Salmon Arm, Kamloops, Bonnington and Southern Rockies)

TOS for Lake Kookanusa and Lake Revelstoke delayed due to budget pressures.


  • Completed sector strategies for the mineral, oil and gas, and agriculture sectors.
  • Completed Tourism Opportunity Studies evaluation, revised methodology and finalized new TOS guidelines.
  • Focus is shifting to opportunity-based land-use plans as a means to assist sustainable economic development.

Goal 2 Resources

Operating expenditures were $31.7 million, 26% of the ministry total.


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