Goals, Objectives and Performance Reporting — Continued
Goal 1: Sound governance
Principles, policies and legislation to guide sustainable
resource management
The ministry is striving to produce principles, policies and
legislation which are clear, stable and focused on strategic,
performance-based regulation; on finding an acceptable balance
between development and conservation; and on supporting decision
makers in government and business. These are helping to deliver
investment and jobs while preserving key environmental values.
Objective 1: A provincial approach to sustainable resource
management established and implemented by the government
The ministry made considerable progress in working with other
agencies and clients to establish a set of sustainability principles
that will be considered by Cabinet in spring 2003. This objective,
therefore, is largely accomplished. In addition, the ministry
has completed the review of fee applications and is now concentrating
on reviewing resource rents.
Planned Strategies
• Develop sustainability principles
as part of a sustainable resource management strategy to
ensure that the natural resource ministries receive clear
policy and direction on the balance among economic, environmental
and social objectives.
• Review pricing and tenure allocation
policies for land and water, and pricing policies for resource
Performance Measures |
Targets |
Actual |
Explanation of
Variance |
• Sustainable resource management
strategy approved by Cabinet
• Approval by end of 2002/03
Substantially achieved
• Consultation on sustainability
principles completed
• On target for final review
by Cabinet in context of the Working Forest policy by June,
• Final timing of Cabinet submission
is at the discretion of the Deputy as it needs to be linked
to the completion of consultation on the Working Forest
- Draft set of sustainability principles approved by Cabinet
in May 2002. The ministry then undertook a focused consultation
process with industry, First Nations, non-government organizations
and government. As part of this, the ministry hosted a "Governance
for Sustainability Workshop" in June 2002, and a number of "Policy
Talks" with the academic community.
- Cross-government working group on sustainability principles
and application models established. The ministry also assisted
in preparation of reports by a number of regional sustainability
initiatives including the Fraser Basin Council, the Georgia
Basin Ecosystem Initiative, the Puget Sound/Georgia Basin International
Task Force and the Pacific North West Economic Region.
- Completed pricing policy analyses for land and water application
fees. Fee proposals were presented to the Government Caucus
Committee on Government Operations, Treasury Board and Cabinet
(land and water, Property Assessment Appeal Board, e-filing
and miscellaneous fees). Policy and rate analyses are in progress
for rental rates and resource information.
Objective 2: First Nations interests considered with respect
to Crown land and resource allocation and use
The ministry accomplished its targets under this objective. However,
it amended strategies in response to recent court decisions and
changing government policies and priorities. In particular, it
considerably increased its focus on the development of consultation
and accommodation policies and guidelines as well as protocol
and other types of agreements to facilitate land-use planning,
economic development and data sharing.
Planned Strategies
• Revise, consistent with the referendum
results, land and resource mandates for negotiations with
First Nations.
• Revise provincial policy
for consulting First Nations about Crown land allocation
and resource use.
Performance Measures |
Targets |
Actual |
Explanation of Variance |
• Land and resource negotiation
mandates and consultation policies approved
• Approval by end of 2002/03
On target
• Provincial policy for consultation
with First Nations approved
• Specific land and resource
mandates as requested by Treaty Negotiations Office (TNO)
• Mandate work is driven by the
specific need of TNO at the various negotiating tables.
As part of its planned strategies, the ministry:
- Provided advice and support on corporate consultation issues
to support ministry land-use planning and other ministries on
operational guidelines for consultations, as well as on specific
consultation issues.
- On treaty issues, provided advice and support for the Provincial
Referendum on Treaty Principles. It also advised treaty negotiators
in the development of interest papers and draft chapters for
various treaty tables, including: Tsawwassen, Lheidli T'enneh,
Gitanyow, Sliammon and Snuneymuxw.
- Helped negotiate over 90 protocol and other agreements with
First Nations on economic development, land-use and resource
management planning, data exchange and other matters which will
encourage investment and assist rural community development.
- Developed a comprehensive list of agreements between Ministry
of Sustainable Resource Management (MSRM) and First Nations,
established a process to obtain timely updates and created and
maintained a database of agreements.
As under amended strategies noted above, the ministry:
- Considerably increased its role as advisor on consultation
and accommodation issues.
- Coordinated development of prototype software that will allow
government staff to determine the appropriate First Nation(s)
to consult on operational activities, and also to track and
provide information on consultation activities with First Nations.
Objective 3: Performance-based regulation and reduced regulatory
The ministry is on schedule in meeting this objective. A new
strategy being pursued this year is to develop a cross-government
framework for management of contaminated sites on provincial lands.
All strategies under this objective will result in clear strategic
direction on sustainable Crown land resource development.
Planned Strategies
• Develop principles and guidelines
for performance-based regulations in collaboration with
resource ministries.
• Move to a ministry regulatory
framework that uses performance-based standards.
• Reduce the number of regulatory
requirements in ministry legislation.
Performance Measures |
Targets |
Actual |
Explanation of Variance |
• Number
of regulatory requirements
• One-third
reduction in regulatory requirements by end of 2004/05
On target
• 12.1%
reduction (as of March 31, 2003, which is ahead of the internal
target for 2002/03 of 11.2%)
• On
track to meet 2004/05 target.
- Improved the certainty of land access and tenure through legislative
and policy changes (e.g. achieved Land Surveyor Act amendments
to support continued certainty of private title).
- Led government's response to the Auditor General's Report
on Managing Contaminated Sites on Provincial Lands and established
the ministry management program. Further, MSRM headed a cross-ministry
study on establishment of a BC Trust for Public Lands.
Goal 1 Resources
Operating expenditures were $2.0 million, 2% of the ministry