Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Report on ResourcesContinued

2002/03 Resource Summary Mirroring the Estimates Vote Structure

  Estimated Other Authorizations Total Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Minister's Office 472 472 302 1701
Corporate Services 904 500 1,404 2,354 (950)2
Corrections 217,574 217,574 196,828 20,7463
Public Safety and Regulatory Services 201,398 7,119 208,517 227,940 (19,423)4
Community Justice 30,326 30,326 32,274 (1,948)5
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 9,829 9,829 8,568 1,2616
Agencies, Boards and Commissions 965 965 821 1447
Liquor Control and Licensing 1 1 1
Statutory Services 29,982 11,819 41,801 41,801
Special Accounts 15,040 15,040 14,328 7128
Transfer from the General Account to the Inmate Work Program (535) (535) (535)
   Total 506,491 18,903 525,394 524,681 713
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Minister's Office 7 7 3 49
Corporate Services 3 3 4 (1)
Corrections 2,215 2,215 1,974 24110
Public Safety and Regulatory Services 144 144 163 (19)
Community Justice 167 167 154 13
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 118 118 112 6
Agencies, Boards and Commissions 6 6 5 1
Liquor Control and Licensing 98 98 99 (1)
   Total 2,758 2,758 2,514 244
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)
Corrections 2,335 2,335 1,141 1,19411
Public Safety and Regulatory Services 2,115 2,115 2,795 (680)12
Community Justice 1,098 1,098 774 32413
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 1,219 1,219 375 84414
Liquor Control and Licensing 586 586 1,168 (582)15
Special Accounts 93 93 2 9116
   Total 7,446 7,446 6,255 1,191
Consolidated Capital Plan Expenditures (CCP) ($000)
Corrections 13,500 13,500 1,614 11,88617
   Total 13,500 13,500 1,614 11,886
1 Variance primarily due to salary and benefit savings resulting from delays in recruiting staff.
2 Variance primarily due to an unanticipated charge for additional Ministry employee benefit costs.
3 Variance primarily due to correctional facility closures being implemented ahead of schedule.
4 Variance primarily due to costs for extraordinary police investigation costs, policing for municipalities that were estimated to but did not exceed the 5,000 population threshold, and the lower Vancouver Island police amalgamation. Costs partially offset by access to the Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs vote.
5 Variance primarily due to exit costs related to the closure of the Criminal Injury Compensation Act program.
6 Variance primarily due to salary and benefit savings resulting from delays in recruiting staff, and lower than expected legal costs.
7 Variance primarily due to reduced volume of cases for appeal boards.
8 Variance primarily due to reduced payments to the B.C. Neurotrauma Fund as a result of lower Victims of Crime Act fine revenue, and lower Inmate Work Program (IWP) costs due to relocation of some of the IWPs.
9 Variance primarily due to delays in recruiting staff.
10 Variance primarily due to correctional facility closures being implemented ahead of schedule.
11 Variance primarily due to vehicle fleet reductions, vehicle replacements not being implemented, and systems projects and operating equipment purchases being delayed.
12 Variance primarily due to costs related to the development of a licensing and regulatory system.
13 Variance primarily due to systems project delays.
14 Variance primarily due to delay of tenant improvement costs related to an office consolidation move.
15 Variance primarily due to delay in the implementation of the system project from 2001/02 fiscal.
16 Variance primarily due to delays in replacement of Inmate Work Program equipment.
17 Variance primarily due to cancellation of major capital projects and branch restructuring. Government Accommodation and Restructuring Initiative (GARI) funding was approved for some restructuring projects.


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