Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 6: Sound management and distribution of government gaming revenues

Objective Strategy
Establish terms and conditions for receiving and using gaming funds Develop efficient distribution methods

Another important goal for the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch has been the sound management and distribution of government gaming revenues. An objective identified for furthering this goal was the establishment of terms and conditions for receiving and using gaming funds through the development of efficient distribution methods.

Terms and conditions governing eligibility for gaming funds and use of proceeds had been lengthy, complex and restrictive. In response, the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch conducted a comprehensive review of existing policies and procedures through 2002/03, resulting in significant revisions to the application process, the evaluation and review of such applications, ensured a more equitable distribution of grant funding, and greatly enhanced turnaround times for community organizations. This has improved the overall management of gaming revenues.

Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Maximum time to process charities' completed applications for gaming proceeds 6 months 12 weeks 12 weeks

 Target Met

The maximum time to process charities' completed applications for gaming proceeds is an efficiency measure identified by the branch to indicate progress toward achieving sound management and distribution of government gaming revenues. The target established for 2002/03 — to reduce processing time from 6 months to 12 weeks — was met.9

Organizations receiving gaming proceeds through affiliation to a commercial bingo hall do so through automatic, monthly electronic fund transfers. This is an extremely efficient and accurate method of ensuring gaming revenues are received in a timely manner.

Changes to the direct access grant program include a model of quarterly intake, whereby similar eligible organizations apply within the same time period for direct access grants. They also know when they will receive their funding. This ensures organizations know when deadlines are approaching, and allows them to develop annual plans based on these deadlines and funding dates. As a result of these changes, and more streamlined evaluation criteria, applications are being turned around within 12 weeks.

9 The branch tracks the date applications are received and when final decisions are communicated. The data are considered to be reliable.


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