Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 5: A sound regulatory framework governing legal gaming

Objective Strategy
Provide comprehensive legislation, policies and industry-wide standards Establish eligibility and licensing criteria to ensure consistent and fair access

A sound regulatory framework governing legal gaming was a key goal in 2002/03 for the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch. The goal was met when the Gaming Control Act and Regulation came into force in August 2002.

Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Gaming Control Act and Regulation Draft Act approved New legislation passed Gaming Control Act and Regulation came into force August 2002

 Target Met

The Gaming Control Act and Regulation established a comprehensive regulatory framework, including legislation and policy, and provided the Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch with the authority to implement industry-wide standards.

Prior to the Act coming into force, gaming was regulated by five separate pieces of legislation. Some regulatory functions were not covered by statute at all. By developing a single, comprehensive piece of legislation, a framework has been created that provides clear direction to the gaming industry, ensures consistency and rigour across all gaming sectors, and separates regulatory and operational responsibilities. The development of industry-wide standards protects the integrity of gaming, gives clear and consistent direction to the gaming industry and protects the gaming public.

The branch's registration, audit and investigation responsibilities have been expanded to include bingo operations and horse racing, which will ensure consistency across all gaming sectors.

Responsibility for the conduct and management of commercial bingo halls in British Columbia was transferred to the BC Lottery Corporation in January 2002. This has resulted in a more professional management model for bingo operations in the province.

The first stage of a significant restructuring of the branch's licensing program has streamlined the application process, reduced processing times and eliminated unnecessary regulatory controls. Restructuring of the licensing process will continue through 2003/04.

Significant changes to the management of gaming in 2002/03 have contributed to the branch's objective of establishing comprehensive and consistent operating policies, which has helped produce a sound regulatory framework for gaming in the province.


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