Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 4: Lower overall corrections operating costs

Objective Strategy
Reduce the costs of incarceration and community supervision Consolidate operations in adult custody and community corrections

Lowering overall operating costs was also an important goal for the Corrections Branch for the 2002/03 fiscal year. The key cost drivers for the branch are staff and facilities required to house and supervise offenders. For example, in fiscal year 2001/02 approximately 56 per cent of the branch budget was allocated for staffing and approximately 28 per cent allocated to building occupancy costs for facilities. Reducing the costs associated with incarceration and supervision lowers the overall operating costs of the branch.

By reducing the number of facilities, significant savings are made through reduced building occupancy costs and staffing requirements. Efficiencies are gained through the strategy of consolidating offender supervision in fewer locations with fewer staff.

Performance Measure 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Consolidation of adult custody operations; number of centres operational 20 centres operational 11 centres operational; 6 centres expanded 11 centres operational; 6 centres expanded

 Target Met

The number of operational adult custody centres was the measure identified to indicate the success of the Corrections Branch in achieving the goal of lower overall operating costs.

Targets were established to close nine adult custody centres while expanding six others to accommodate offenders in a more efficient manner. These targets are single indicator measures; once met, the initiative is complete although lower operating costs will continue to be realized over time.


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