Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Core Business Area: Regulatory Programs



Public Interests are Protected as Industries Prosper

Provide efficient and effective licensing and regulation of the security industry, consumer service industries, and film and adult film industries

  • Seek security industry and government partnerships in maintaining professional standards
  • Confirm the eligibility of companies and individuals involved in the security industry
  • Move regulated consumer industries toward self-management
  • Rewrite legislation and regulations for consumer industries
  • Take enforcement action against consumer industries where appropriate
  • Confirm the eligibility of licence applicants within the film and adult film industries
  • Enforce standards and regulations in the screening, sale and distribution of film and adult film
  • Provide public classification for feature and adult films



An Efficient Residential Tenancy System

Provide timely and accessible resolution of landlord tenant disputes

  • Modernize the Residential Tenancy Act in plain language
  • Improve quality of residential tenancy (RT) information
  • Provide RT information more efficiently through the Internet and information clinics


Supplementary Performance Measures 2001/02 Base Data 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
% of monetary residential tenancy arbitrations scheduled in 6 weeks or less 91%1 90% 91%
# of successful consumer service regulatory prosecutions 33 34 71
Reduced film licence categories 13 5 132
Reduced film fees categories 28 5 283
1 The 2001/02 actual has been revised from the estimated 95 per cent reported as baseline in the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan. The reduced actual for 2001/02 resulted from delays in scheduling monetary hearings. The target originally set for 2002/03 was also adjusted accordingly.
2 Reduction in categories deferred to 2003/04 pending implementation of FIGARO, the new data and licensing system.
3 Reduction in categories deferred to 2003/04 pending implementation of FIGARO, the new data and licensing system.


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