Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Core Business Area: Protective Programs



Enhanced Public Safety

Make communities and schools safer

  • Enhance electronic access to information by law enforcement agencies and the general public
  • Promote effective crime prevention programs in communities
  • Strengthen and continue community-based restorative justice initiatives (Community Accountability Programs (CAPs)), and support the initiation of new CAPs


Protect children

  • Continue to support communities in developing strategies to prevent youth crime, violence, bullying and sexual exploitation of children and youth
  • Provide criminal record checks for individuals working with or afforded unsupervised access to children


Ensure that no unexplained death is overlooked, concealed or ignored

  • Provide onsite investigation
  • Research unexpected deaths to proactively identify trends
  • Improve communications and technology
  • Improve compliance with Coroner recommendations



Effective Protection for Vulnerable Citizens

Reduce violence against vulnerable citizens through the enforcement of civil and criminal protection orders

  • Inform protected parties before inmate release
  • Provide information to police agencies
  • Link the Protection Order Registry to JUSTIN, B.C.'s Justice Information System



Reduced Human and Financial Costs Associated with Emergencies and Disasters

Maintain effective awareness, preparedness, response and recovery programs

  • Provide training to volunteer services
  • Provide public education
  • Enhance public and multi-jurisdictional co-operation
  • Employ the use of technology to achieve faster and fuller return of federal Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) contributions
  • Maintain the readiness status of provincial emergency programs and continue to expand the capabilities of trained and experienced staff
  • Develop specific disaster plans



Recovery Assistance and Protection for All Victims of Crime, Notably High-Risk Victims

Enhance the delivery of victim services programs

  • Improve access and timely provision of benefits and services for victims of crime
  • Complete the transfer of the Criminal Injury Compensation Program from Workers' Compensation Board to the ministry to streamline service delivery under a victims' mandate and to provide more appropriate benefits and services to all claimants



Enhanced Protection for First Nations Communities

Improve support to First Nations communities and offenders provincewide

  • Continue to support First Nations communities in developing culturally appropriate crime prevention and restorative justice programs
  • Maintain First Nations policing
  • Support the Native Courtworker Program


Supplementary Performance Measures 2001/02 Base Data 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
# communities participating in problem-solving approaches to crime 20 24 32
# of First Nations communities developing culturally appropriate crime prevention programs 6 8 34
# of Community Accountability Programs funded 63 69 76
# of criminal record checks completed 60,000 60,000 40,0001 (estimated)
# of Protection Order Registry inquiries by police 6,000 6,240 6,845
% of British Columbians reporting satisfaction with their personal safety from crime 84% 85% Data not yet available2
Average number of months to complete a Coroner's investigation3 7.2 months 4.5 months 5.4 months
Processing time for Disaster Financial Assistance applications following complete submission 45 days 30 days 28 days
1 With the implementation of revised consent forms and program information updated and available on the Web, it became apparent the program was conducting a significant number of criminal record checks for individuals not covered under the Criminal Records Review Act.
2 This measure is based on the Statistics Canada General Social Survey that is conducted every five years. The next survey will be conducted in 2004.
3 This performance measure has been revised from the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan to increase reporting accuracy. The original target remains the same — Coroner's investigations that, on average, take up to 4.5 months to complete.


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