Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Core Business Area: Police Services



Adequate, Effective, Accountable Policing and Law Enforcement Throughout British Columbia

Enhance effectiveness of police agencies through technological, structural and operational changes

  • Focus on critical infrastructure, specialized police services, and strategic planning
  • Integrate overlapping and duplicate police services


Ensure police have adequate resources to protect the public and apprehend offenders
  • Administer and monitor agreements for the delivery of RCMP services
  • Pilot an RCMP reserve program


Ensure that appropriate and effective accountability mechanisms are in place

  • Implement accountability measures resulting from evaluations and internal audits
  • Update training requirements, curricula and training regulations


Strengthen public confidence in policing and law enforcement

  • Improve appointment and training processes for police board members
  • Coordinate implementation of a provincial auxiliary and reserve constable policy
  • Provide information and support to police boards


Supplementary Performance Measures 2001/02 Base Data 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
# of successfully negotiated new RCMP municipal policing contracts 59 municipalities with RCMP contracts 7 separate, new contracts No new contracts1
Rate of participation by police agencies in infrastructure projects 100% 100% 100%
Rate of public confidence in police 52% Maintain or improve rate Data not yet available2
1 Seven municipalities were estimated to but did not exceed the 5,000 population threshold in the census.
2 This measure is based on the Statistics Canada General Social Survey that is conducted every five years. The next survey will be conducted in 2004.


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