Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Core Business Area: Liquor Control and Licensing



Greater Industry Cooperation in Reducing Problems Associated with Liquor Misuse

Increase voluntary compliance within the industry

  • Implement detailed performance standards for the inspection program
  • Refocus inspections on public safety issues such as service to minors, overservice, overcrowding and illicit alcohol
  • Increase inspections and investigations by 40%
  • Simplify the licence system by reducing the number of licence categories from seven to two



Reduced Risk of Alcohol-related Community Disturbances

Control public access to liquor

  • Involve local government in limiting the number of liquor primary licences issued
  • Use alcohol-related community health measures in assessing licence applications
  • Set terms and conditions for hours, size and entertainment that are consistent with community standards



Elimination of Regulations that do not Support Public Safety and Community  Standards

Reduce cost to business of obtaining a liquor licence

  • Streamline and automate the licensing process
  • Eliminate unnecessary liquor advertising regulations


Supplementary Performance Measures 2001/02 Base Data 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
# of contravention notices 7141 900 1,023
Proportion: contravention notices/ inspections 5.6%2 6% 8% (estimated)
# of proven contraventions focused on public safety (i.e., minors, intoxication, overcrowding, illicit alcohol) 45 43 1083
# of licences issued without community support 0 0 0
# of community disturbance complaints in specified urban areas TBD TBD 257 (estimated)
Time to complete enforcement hearings and take action 120 days 171 days4 195 days5
1 This figure has been adjusted from the estimated 900 reported as 2001/02 base data in the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan.
2 This figure has been adjusted from the estimated 8 per cent reported as 2001/02 base data in the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan.
3 The 45 proven contraventions reported as 2001/02 base data was an estimate. With data more readily retrievable in 2002/03, identification of multiple contraventions contained in Notices of Enforcement Action is now possible. The result of 108 more accurately reflects branch performance.
4 This target was adjusted from 110 days as reported in the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan to more accurately reflect branch experiences.
5 Work processes have been revised and an additional adjudicator has been engaged to assist with hearings to improve the timelines.


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