Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Core Business Area: Corrections




Effective Monitoring and Enforcement of Court Orders

Provide custody and community supervision to offenders

  • Maintain core services for incarcerated adults and community corrections
  • Maintain staff and inmate safety



Communities That are Safe from High-Risk Offenders

Manage and supervise offenders based on their risk to re-offend

  • Undertake offender risk/needs assessments
  • Provide appropriate levels of supervision based on offender assessments



Reduced Risk of Re-offending

Provide core rehabilitative programs that target offender risk and needs

  • Maintain existing core programs and implement additional ones



Lower Overall Operating Costs

Reduce the costs of incarceration and community supervision

  • Consolidate operations in adult custody and community corrections
  • Reduce contracted offender programs and treatment


Supplementary Performance Measures 2001/02 Base Data1 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Average daily count of offenders in adult custody 2,202 2,2152 2,064
Average # of offenders under community supervision 21,662 21,510 20,635
# of core programs delivered to offenders 454 3633 Data not collected4
% of offenders completing core programs 77% 70% 77%
% of offenders who do not re-offend 69%5 70% 70%
Offender to caseworker ratios 70:1 71:1 69:1
Inmate to staff ratios 20:1 Up to 45:1 Up to 45:1
Consolidation of community operations 58 offices 58 offices 53 offices
1 Base data for 2001/02 have been corrected from what was reported in the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Service Plan 2002/03 – 2004/05 as it was originally reported using partial year data.
2 The counts and caseloads targets are forecasts. Actual targets cannot be set because Corrections workload is dependent upon court sentences.
3 Targets for these measures reflect consolidation of operations.
4 Resources and costs required to collect data were excessive. This measure was not included in the Service Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06.
5 Re-admission baselines are calculated using a rolling average with a tracking period of two years for all offenders under sentenced supervision by the branch. Baseline figures represent fiscal year 1998/1999 data. The target data is for fiscal 1999/2000 as are the actual results.


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