Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 2: Rebuild and sustain a professional public service capable of providing quality services that meet the needs of British Columbians

Objectives Strategies Core Business Area
2.1 Ensure effective HR governance and policy frameworks are in place Develop and maintain a corporate HR plan, including strategies to address HR issues such as succession, retention and recruitment. HR Strategy and Policy
2.2 Create visionary and proactive leadership in the public service Implement a comprehensive executive management program that includes succession planning for public service executive managers, and provides for executive recruitment and selection, orientation, performance management, ongoing career planning, and training and development to ensure that the public service has the necessary leadership. HR Strategy and Policy
2.3 Establish HR standards and practices to establish a performance-focused workforce. Establish a simplified, "merit-based" recruitment and staffing process. Organizational Development
2.4 Create a flexible and motivating work environment. There were multiple strategies for laying the groundwork for a flexible and motivating work environment. Among them was a review of the management compensation policy and consideration of a 'pay for performance' plan. Another strategy was to review and simplify current job evaluation and classification processes. It was critical to have a baseline of employee opinions to be able to review and make changes to the management compensation policy and consider pay for performance options. Organizational Development and Compensation
2.5 Ensure that the public service is a learning and innovative organization Establish a corporate training strategy based on identified government needs, including consideration of "e-learning" capability and a review of Corporate Training fund mechanisms.

Provide enhanced employee development opportunities, based on personal learning plans.

Organizational Development
2.6 Provide for progressive employee-employer relations Utilize and refine alternative dispute resolution methods and continue to identify new methods in consultation with employee groups. Labour Relations


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Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Variance
Government wide HR plan and strategies in place HR plans and strategies developed and implemented Completed None
% of public service executives developed through the Executive Management Services (EMS) program EMS program implemented and baseline established Leadership Centre established with its own Deputy and staff. Baseline initiated with the completion of 20 Employee Performance and Development Plans completed by Deputy Ministers Baseline for Management Levels 6 to 11 (ADMs and Directors) being created through Employee Performance Development Plans.
Reduced time for staffing process Standards set for reducing time taken on staffing process A new approach to public service staffing has been developed; implementation is planned for the 2003/04 year. None
% of management employees subject to performance evaluation Baseline established Completed development of guidelines, tools, and training to support ministry efforts to implement performce management for managers. Responsibility for implementing and monitoring performance evaluation/management now rests with individual ministries.
Public service perception of work environment Baseline evaluated and established Completed None
Pay for performance Decisions made regarding pay for performance Proposal developed Proposal on hold
Faster, streamlined job classification processes Standards set for simplified classification processes Simplified classification process designed and implementation started. None
% of management workforce with a personal learning plan Baseline established (linked to performance evaluation) Baseline not established.

Managers attending the Leading the Way programs are assisted in developing a personal learning plan as part of the assessment process.

Responsibility for implementing and monitoring learning plans rests with individual ministries.

In 2003/04, all excluded staff are required to have a Performance and Development Plan, which includes a personal learning plan

Corporate training plan developed Corporate training plan and funding developed and implementation begun Target achieved. Corporate Learning Strategy was published in November 2002.

Public Service Learning Fund and Information Technology Learning Fund were continued.

Implementation of Strategy started.

Increased use of alternative dispute resolution methods Baseline established Recommendation/baseline identified. Increased use of alternate dispute resolution processes is intended to improve the rate of proper dispute resolution, with speedier and more cost effective outcomes. Union agreement is required before recommendations can be implemented.

Comments on results: Many of the strategies and activities that supported this goal were carried out under the banner of the Public Service Renewal Project. A key deliverable of the project was the Corporate Human Resources Plan, designed to promote excellence in the public service and support the outcomes of the Government Strategic Plan. The plan is based on the sharing of accountability for people management with a broad public service community and the creation of inclusive processes to build commitment. The plan mirrored the objectives listed above and provided concrete strategies and projects to address each. They were:

Effective People Strategy:

In addition to driving corporate human resource strategy, the Corporate HR Plan also provided direction to all public service organizations resulting in individual Ministry Human Resource Plans that aligned with corporate efforts.

Proactive and Visionary Leadership:

The creation of the Leadership Centre was a key accomplishment of this fiscal year. The Centre's mission is to maximize the leadership talent of today . . . while recruiting, developing and retaining the leaders of tomorrow. The Centre's focus is on: succession planning; performance management; recruitment and selection; executive development; and rewards and recognition.

PSERC, through the Renewal Project Office, also provided Leadership Workshops throughout the province that reinforced the message of Renewal, and provided participants with insights and learning on their own personal impacts on the public service through their leadership actions.

Performance Focused Workplace

In order to facilitate performance, the Commission developed a performance planning and development framework and toolkit for individual ministries and agencies to use. The framework seeks to align individual performance with the goals and strategies of the Ministry, Division, and work unit. Ministries are now responsible for implementing the process to meet their individual organizational needs.

PSERC also provided support and tools in the area of competencies. Competencies are defined as those attributes which contribute to superior performance and can be used in all aspects of human resource management and development. PSERC developed core public service competencies; management and leadership competencies; and competencies for human resource professionals. A complete competency dictionary specific to the public service was also provided to Ministries to support their efforts.

Flexible and Motivating Work Environment

Comprehensive reviews of the public service staffing and classification processes were undertaken to address issues relating to flexibility and motivation. Many recommendations came out of these reviews and implementation is underway.

Learning and Innovative Organization

A Corporate Learning Strategy was published in November 2002 for the purpose of taking a strategic and outcome-oriented approach to the training and development of the public service's human capital. This plan will provide guidance over a three-year period. Additionally, the performance and development planning process now incorporates individual learning and development plans that will link directly to organizational goals and objectives.

Progressive Employee-Employer Relations

A review of the existing dispute resolution processes was undertaken to determine how the processes could be improved to make them more efficient and effective. Recommendations for streamlining and simplifying the dispute resolution processes, if agreeable with the Union, will be implemented in 2003/04.


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