Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.
Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 1: To quickly transition the workforce from today's business practices to the business practices of tomorrow.

Objectives Strategies Core Business Area
Provide effective change management to assist ministries in achieving workforce adjustment and redesign of government organizations Establish and implement workforce adjustment guidelines and policies to quickly transition today's workforce to the new business practices mandated by government.

It was also important to effectively manage the workforce adjustment process, including the administration of voluntary exit programs, the placement of surplus workers, wherever possible and as required, and the involuntary layoff of employee's surplus to the government's requirements.

Individuals from several core areas of PSERC worked with ministries to make sure their workforce adjustment targets were met
Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Variance
Workforce adjustment achieved in accordance with government's requirements Adjustment targets met Targets met N/A

Comments on results: The Government is ahead of schedule in terms of implementing the overall Workforce Adjustment initiative. The plan, as outlined in January of 2001, called for a total reduction of 11 800 FTEs over a three-year period. When normal attrition, devolution of positions to other organizations, and elimination of auxiliaries and vacancies was taken into account, the remainder to be eliminated was 7 300 over a 3-year period, or an average of 2 433 per year. Ministries are reducing their staff numbers at different rates. To date, there has been a reduction of 5 700 people. Another 1 600 will need to be reduced in the next year, in order to meet government's original 3-year target. The success of the workforce adjustment program is partly attributed to the higher than expected take-up on the voluntary exit programs.


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