Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 4 — Continuous performance improvement and accountability

With the ministry's focused mandate, an opportunity exists to strengthen the organization's infrastructure, effectiveness and accountability for performance. Two of the key indicators of success in achieving this goal are measures of the number and value of revenue transactions that are collected electronically. The ministry will continue to develop and promote the receipt of revenues electronically.

Core Business Area

Objectives Performance Measures 2002/03 Targets 2002/03 Actual Explanatory Notes
Revenue Programs Continuously improve and simplify work processes Percentage of receipts made electronically 34% 28% Note 1
Revenue Programs Continuously improve and simplify work processes Percentage of revenue received electronically 60% 58%  
Revenue Programs and Collection and Loan Management Determine if alternative collection vehicles are more cost-effective No measure set since initial fiscal year for the ministry (Actual: no target set) Accounts valued at $43M outsourced Accounts valued at $108M outsourced Note 2
Note 1:  The target concerning value of payments has been reached but the number of taxpayers participating has not been reached due to lower than expected uptake. It is projected that the ministry will process over 400,000 receipts electronically in the fiscal year 2003/04.
Note 2:  There was a 700 per cent increase in the number of accounts that were outsourced for a total value of $108 million as at March 31, 2003.


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