Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 3 — Fair, efficient and equitable administration that meets customers needs

The ministry is committed to meeting customers' needs by improving the regulatory and administrative frameworks for tax and debt collection. The ministry is making improvements to ease the administrative burden on customers and to enhance the business climate within British Columbia. Activities undertaken this year include the development of the Revenue Receivables Management Project to centralize the management of all government accounts receivables, and the elimination of 1,245 regulatory requirements. Additionally, the ministry continues to consolidate overdue accounts receivable portfolios in conjunction with partner ministries and reduce the time it takes to resolve an appeal by a taxpayer.

Core Business Area Objectives Performance Measures 2002/03 Targets 2002/03 Actual Explanatory Notes
Collection and Loan Management Consolidation of debt administration Progress to consolidate the government's accounts receivable programs Target determined
to be one program per fiscal year
Two programs Note 1
Ministry Consolidation of debt administration Develop a corporate accounts receivable system 30% of A/R system completed (design) 10% of A/R system completed Note 2
Strategic Initiatives and Administration Consolidation of debt administration Increase timeliness of appeal process to produce final decisions 9.5 months Reduced restated baseline of 13.2 months by 1.8 months to 11.4 months Note 3
Revenue Programs Reduced legislative and administrative requirements and streamlined procedures Reduce regulatory requirements placed on taxpayer to meet government direction Reduced regulatory requirements by 1,000 Reduced base by 1,245 regulatory requirements Note 4
Note 1:  The target for this program was revised to one program per year. The ministry achieved two programs.
Note 2:  Overall business model developed but progress with this project is slower than expected. The Revenue Management Project (RMP) is focussed on assisting the ministry's goal to increase the realization of revenue in the most cost effective and efficient manner. The project vision is to develop an integrated, streamlined business and systems environment that enables consolidation of revenue management under the Ministry of Provincial Revenue as a centre of excellence for revenue and debt collection while ensuring accountability from the program ministries for the quality of the debt.
Note 3:  The Service Plan for Fiscal 02/03 to 04/05 showed the baseline for Fiscal 01/02 as 10.25 months. This baseline was established prior to the creation of the appeals branch and the consolidation of the appeals groups. It did not take into account the timeline of further review and approval steps. The baseline for fiscal 01/02 is 13.2 months. This figure reflects the overall timeline from receipt of appeal to the date of the minister's decision and therefore is a more accurate number. Although the ministry did not meet the 2002/03 target, the ministry did reduce the appeal timeline by almost two months and remains committed to meeting the targets set out in the 2003/04 to 2005/06 service plan.
Note 4:  As part of the ministry's contribution to the government-wide deregulation commitment, the ministry has exceeded its target (1,000 reductions) by eliminating 1,245 regulatory requirements.


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