Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Table 1: Changes in the Not Satisfactorily Restocked (NSR)1 Crown Land in 2002/2003
Responsibility Backlog2 Current Reforestation3
Ministry Ministry Ministry BCTS/SBFEP Major Licensees Totals
Year of Denudation Pre-82 1982-87 Post-87
(Oct. 1/87)
(Jan. 1/88)
(Oct. 1/87)
Changes hectares
Total NSR (End of 2001/2002)4 114,833 62,452 34,023 31,118 379,875 622,301
Additions in NSR in 2002/2003 due to:
Harvesting5 fire and pests6 102 124 1,118 10,995 106,039 118,377
Plantation Failure 601 921 87 589 746 2,944
Natural regeneration failure 162 180 7 132 291 773
Total Additions to NSR 865 1,224 1,212 11,716 107,076 122,094
Reductions in NSR in 2002/2003 due to:
Planting 1,581 1,314 1,317 9,036 99,047 112,294
Natural regeneration 1,589 943 1,505 3,056 20,486 27,578
Reclassification of NSR to NP7 453 808 909 724 4,717 7,612
Total Reductions to NSR 3,623 3,066 3,731 12,816 124,250 147,484
Total NSR 112,076 60,611 31,504 30,018 362,701 596,910
Net Change in NSR in 2002/2003 -2,758 -1,841 -2,519 -1,100 -17,174 -25,391
1  Includes accomplishments under all funding sources.
  This table is based on DRAFT data in ministry information systems as of March 14, 2003. Where data entry is incomplete or delayed, numbers reported may underestimate actual accomplishments. Final figures will be posted on the ministry public web site in the Fall of 2003.
2  Backlog obligation categories are based on the responsibility for reforestation to a free growing stage.
  Ministry, Pre-82: A large portion of good and medium sites in this obligation category was treated under FRDA I (1985-90).
  Ministry, 1982-87, All Sites: Includes areas under the Small Business Enterprise Program (cut prior to January 1, 1988), and areas of Major Licensees (cut prior to October 1, 1987).
    Together with the Ministry Pre-82 areas, these areas are considered "outstanding obligations", and are currently eligible for funding under the Forest Investment Vote.
3  Current obligation categories are based on the responsibility for reforestation to a free growing stage, by law, within an acceptable period of time.
  Ministry, Post-87, All Sites: The Ministry remains responsible for basic silviculture on all areas denuded by fire or pests.
  BCTS/SBFEP, Post-88, All Sites: Basic silviculture on all areas denuded by BCTS/SBFEP after January 1, 1988 is funded by the BCTS/SBFEP account, and implemented by the Ministry of Forests.
  Major Licensees, Post-87, All Sites: Basic silviculture on areas denuded by major licensees after October 1, 1987 is funded by major licensees.
    Licensees have approximately six to seven years to reach the basic silviculture requirement through natural regeneration, or about three to four years through planting, as specified in the silviculture prescription.
4  Adjustments to NSR figures reported in the 2001/2002 Annual Report can be summarized as follows:
  Total NSR at the end of 2001/2002:   633,903 ha
  Late updates to the database: Further change in NSR (Pre-87) -11,028 ha
    Further change in NSR (Post-87) -575 ha
    Total NSR at the beginning of 2002/2003: 622,301 ha
5 NSR resulting from logging is the net area to be reforested after harvest (excluding roads, landing and other non-productive areas).
6 Openings caused by fire or pests refer to incidence in mature timber or in areas already classified as free growing.
  Fire and pest incidence prior to free growing is considered plantation or natural regeneration failure.
7 NP is non-productive land. Reclassification to NP is due to roads, landing, swamps, rock outcrops, etc.


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