Revised measure
in Service Plan 2003/04 – 2005/06
The credit rating source has been revised from Standard
& Poor's (S&P) to Moody's in Service Plan 2003/04 –
2005/06 because the inter-provincial comparators used
by Moody's are more similar in definition to the measures
used by the province and the Office of the Auditor General.
The results of Moody's analysis are also available earlier
which contributes to more timely reporting.
It should be noted that the following S&P's rankings for
2002/03 are based on forecasts included in the most recent
budgets released by the provinces. These forecasts are utilized
by rating agencies because most provincial governments do
not release audited financial statements until later in
the following fiscal year. While British Columbia releases
its Public Accounts in late June, just three months after
year end, the comparative data for most other provinces
is usually not available for rating agencies to review within
the same timeframe. Rankings based on final year end results
for all provinces should be available in Fall 2003.
The issue of availability of actual results vs budget
forecasts also applies to the next two comparative performance
measures: Debt to GDP Ratio and Debt Service Costs —
Cents per Revenue Dollar.