Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 2: Organizational Excellence

1) Organizational Development and Planning

Another performance measure is the per cent of staff with completed performance and development plans. The 50% target was exceeded and all staff had plans in place for 2002/03

2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Organizational development and planning

(per cent of staff with Performance and Development Plans in place)

In progress 50% 100% +50%

2) Switch to Electronic Documentation

In April 2002, the Environmental Assessment Office moved its server to a new host ministry (Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management). As a result, the web site visit statistics for 2002/03 were calculated differently than in previous years. The implementation of the new electronic Project Information System (ePIC) in January 2003 required a further change to the way web site traffic is calculated. This will be reflected in subsequent year's reporting and will require the collection of new base data starting January 2003 to reflect the new approach to statistical reporting.

The reported 12% increase in website visitors is based on number of unique IP addresses that accessed the Environmental Assessment Office website each month from April to December, 2002. Similarly, the reported 25% increase in website hits is determined based on the number of Environmental Assessment Office website pages viewed for this period compared to this same period in 2001. The Environmental Assessment Office's new host server does not provide website traffic statistics in terms of visits (i.e., total visiting users) that are comparable to data collected in previous years.

Performance Measure 2000/01 Actual 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Switch to electronic documentation

(number of EAO website visits per year)

91,498 visitors

242,312 visits

2,387,369 hits

104,723 visitors

328,426 visits

3,219,822 hits

Continual improvement (+10%) 83,870 visitors to Jan. 2003 (+12%)

2,598,801 hit

to Jan 2003 (+25%)

+2% visitors to Jan. 2003

+15% hits to Jan. 2003


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