Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Report on ResourcesContinued

2002/03 Resource Summary

Table 1

  Estimated Other Authorizations Total Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
1. BC Trade and Investment Office 11,371 2,8002 14,171 16,573 (2,402)
2. Economic Policy 6,040 6,040 7,383 (1,343)
3. Science and Technology 17,300 17,300 13,652 3,648
4. Corporate Services 18,469 1,3691 20,784 19,247 1,537
5. Deregulation 500 500 440 60
   Total 53,680 5,115 58,795 57,295 1,500
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
   Total 202 202 188 14
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)
1. BC Trade and Investment Office 714 714 429 285
2. Economic Policy 150 150 102 48
3. Science and Technology 30 30 14 16
4. Corporate Services 205 205 80 125
5. Deregulation 6 6 6
   Total 1,105 1,105 625 480
1 Statutory Appropriation
2 Contingencies for Pacific National Exhibition


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