Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal #1: Establish a Competitive Investment Climate

Core Business: Removing Barriers to Business
Objectives Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Variance
Cut regulations to business and forestry industry by one third in three years. Reduction of regulatory burden by one-third using Cabinet approved measurement process. 12 per cent. Achieved.

13.12 per cent reduction.

1.12 per cent
  Review all fees and Licenses and set goals. Complete review of all existing fees and licenses. On-track.

2,345 fees reviewed by March 31, 2003 (over 80 per cent complete).

Over 80 per cent complete.*
    Establish policy for review of all new fees and Licenses. Achieved.

Policy and process for review of new fees developed and implemented as part of annual budget/service plan review.

Commitment fulfilled.
Eliminate subsidies to business. Eliminate subsidies to business. Business subsidies reviewed and ended. Achieved.

Business subsidies reviewed and ended

Commitment fulfilled.
Become a national leader in open and free trade. Achieve full compliance with interprovincial Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT). Fully comply with AIT. Achieved.

British Columbia fully complies with AIT.

Commitment fulfilled.
    Consult with private sector to drive further removal of trade barriers. On-track.

Preliminary consultations completed.

Improve physical and human infrastructure which supports growth. Implement Federal-Provincial infrastructure and partnership agreements. Allocate fiscal year funding to Provincial, Federal and Municipal priorities. On-track.

103 Canada/British Columbia Infrastructure projects announced.

On track. This project has completed year 3 of a 6 year project and has committed 71 per cent of available funding.
    Negotiate further agreements. Underway.

Awaiting Federal Government direction to initiate discussions regarding new agreements.

Dependent on Federal Government Response.
* Government's objective is to complete the fees and licenses review by June 30, 2003. All ministries have been directed to undertake work required to meet this deadline. Meetings of the Deputy Ministers Committee on Fees and Licenses have been scheduled from April through June to support the review of remaining fees.

Core Business: Economic Policy and Strategic Advice
Objectives Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Variance
Increased regional and sectoral economic development. Competitive key indicators in taxation, regulatory and labour policies. Establish key competitiveness indicators and targets. On-track.

Preliminary research on taxation policy and initiatives completed.

British Columbia Progress Board has taken a major role in this area.

    Advocate within Government for increased competitive taxation, regulatory and labour policies. On-track.

Renewed film and TV regional tax credits. Established tax credits for the New Media and Animation/Special Effects industry.

  Develop economic strategies. Work with private sector groups to develop strategies with performance measurements. Underway.

Initial drafts of economic and key sectoral strategies prepared; performance measures need to be industry led.

Will evolve through continuing dialogue with private sector groups, subject to Government fiscal priorities.


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