Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 4: To promote an environment where the most vulnerable children and youth are protected and supported by families and communities.

Children can experience an enhanced quality of life when supported by their families and communities. In 2002/03, the ministry and planning committees worked with communities to inform the development of an improved service delivery model, to better meet children's needs. Increased emphasis on promoting and supporting family capacity and responsibility to care for their own children through family development programs was a priority, to help families safely and positively stay together. Foster family care is being emphasized over residential group resources to help ensure sustainability of services, and initiatives like family conferencing pilots were underway in 2002/03.

Core Business Area: Child and Family Development

Objective 4.1: To promote and support the capacity and responsibility of families to protect and care for their children.

Progress on Strategies in 2002/03:

  • pursued less disruptive alternatives than removal of children where possible.
  • supported increased Aboriginal partnerships in their communities for child and family services.
  • promoted new community partnerships to enhance local supports and services.
  • achieved increased use of family foster care over more costly residential resources as planned.

Performance Measures and Targets

Performance Measure 2000/01 Actual 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance Target Met?
(a) Rate of children in care (per 1,000 children under 19 years of age) 11 per 1,000 (March 31) Baseline 10.7 per 1,000 (March 31) 10 per 1,000 10.4 per 1,000 (March 31) 0.4 per 1,000 below target
(b) Rate of reoccurrence of maltreatment 29% 30% Establish baseline Baseline established at 28% None
(c) The percentage of Aboriginal agencies serving Aboriginal children in care N/A N/A Establish baseline

• Measure not fully developed and implemented (see explanation below)

  Not reported


The ministry introduced initial program changes to promote family capacity to care for their own children. The impact of these changes is beginning to be seen in the decline of the rate of children in care. This decline was not as large as targeted, but it is expected that the three-year targets will be met as new legislative and practice initiatives (including family conferencing and mediation) are introduced and take effect.

Explanation of Changes to Measures

Measure 4.1(c) was not fully developed and implemented since performance in this area is better assessed through measure 4.2(c) below. Measure 4.2(c) (Percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by Aboriginal agencies) is better suited to public reporting since it focuses on the clients, not the service delivery system. Measure 4.1(c) has been removed from the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan.

Objective 4.2: To improve the safety and well-being of children and youth receiving child protection services.

Progress on Strategies in 2002/03

  • worked with families with children in care to safely return the child sooner by providing family development services where possible, and promoting family care models over residential group models.
  • increased permanency for children in continuing care through guardianship to extended family or other close adults, and increased adoption placements.
  • continued promoting guardianship responsibility of Aboriginal children in care to Aboriginal agencies.
  • continued increasing adoptions through promotion and dedicated regional efforts.

Performance Measures and Targets

Performance Measure 2000/01 Actual 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance Target Met?
(a) Percentage of children in residential care placed in foster homes instead of other contracted residential resources (excludes delegated Aboriginal children) 73% (March) Baseline 73.6% (March) 74% 78.8% (March) 4.8% better than target
(b) Number of children in care adopted per fiscal year 163 Baseline 243 250 328 78 better than target
(c) Percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by Aboriginal agencies N/A N/A Establish Baseline 26% Baseline None


The ministry's strategies to increase adoptions and maximize the use of foster care for children-in-care have been successful. The adoption awareness campaign and changes to Post-Adoption Assistance program funding have resulted in 78 more adoptions than targeted. Likewise, efforts to increase the use of foster homes have resulted in 78.8% of children in residential care being placed in foster homes.

The baseline for measure 4.2(c) was established at 26% (2002/03). It is expected that the proportion of Aboriginal children in care served by Aboriginal agencies will increase as the capacity of the Aboriginal community to deliver child and family development services is enhanced.

Explanation of Changes to Measures

The baseline has been changed since the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan to more accurately reflect actual adoption placements.


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