Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 1: To promote an environment where adults with developmental disabilities can participate in and contribute to their communities and live a full and valued life.

In 2002/03, activities continued to fulfill the vision that adults with developmental disabilities deserve more ways to achieve their dreams and contribute to society, facilitated by greater independence and quality of life. The ministry and interim community living authority worked together to shift to a system enabling clients more independence within supportive families and communities. Options being planned included individualized funding, more family-based care over residential resources, and supports to build individual and family capacity and resiliency. Achieving this goal will improve clients' quality of life and ensure sustainable services.

Core Business Area: Adult Community Living Services

Objective 1.1: To establish a sustainable community living system that supports the needs of adults with developmental disabilities, their families and communities.

Progress on Strategies in 2002/03:

  • facilitated the new Interim Authority for Community Living British Columbia, to plan for the permanent authority.
  • explored plans for new options like direct funding to improve quality of life and choice.
  • continued increasing the use of family care homes over more costly residential group homes.
  • continued transition planning for children with developmental disabilities to seamlessly bridge them to adult services, including through efforts of the new Interim Joint Policy Directorate.
  • did not advance work towards a provincial, standardized eligibility and assessment process, pending outcomes of the community living transition committee's report and future work with the interim authority on potential initiatives.

Performance Measures and Targets

Performance Measure 2000/01 Actual 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance Target Met?
(a) Progress towards implementing a new model for governance and delivery of adult community living services N/A —

Process Measure*

N/A —

Process Measure

N/A —

Process Measure

• Community Living Transition Steering Committee (CLTSC) appointed April 2002

• Report of the CLTSC presented to the Minister

• Budget Plan approved

Community Services Interim Authorities Act passed

• 24 appointments made to the Board of the Interim Authority

(b) Percentage reduction in the unit cost of residential CLS service $66,000 $72,000


6% above average $70,000 8.8% variation from target (2.8% reduction from baseline)
(c) Number of adults with developmental disabilities receiving services 8,326 (March) 8,657 (March) Baseline Maintain baseline or above 8,941 (March) 244 better than baseline
(d) Client satisfaction measure to be developed N/A N/A To be determined Not developed — removed from 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan (see explanation below) N/A Not reported
* A process measure refers to reporting on activities that have been undertaken as part of an initiative.


There has been a small increase in the number of clients receiving services, and a small decrease in the cost per client for those receiving residential services. This indicates that service levels and costs have been maintained while significant changes to the governance and delivery of community living services have occurred. The Interim Authority Community Living British Columbia (ICLBC) has been established.

Explanation of Changes to Measures

Client satisfaction is part of accreditation, so this information will be captured under that process. Therefore, this measure has been removed from the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan to avoid redundancy. Measure 1.1(b) has been amended to reflect the unit cost of CLS services, and the baseline has been updated to reflect this change. For further information, see Appendix 2.

Objective 1.2: To increase family and community capacity to exercise responsibility to support adults with developmental disabilities.

Progress on Strategies in 2002/03:

  • supported the interim authority in plans to increase choice for clients and families through new options.
  • worked with the interim authority, transition committee and communities on new ways to increase family capacity to keep adults with developmental disabilities at home in supportive environments.

Performance Measures and Targets

Performance Measure 2000/01 Actual 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance Target Met?
(a) Percentage of CLS clients who are living with family and receiving ministry services 26% (March) 27% (October) Baseline To be determined [increase from baseline, amount TBD*] 27.4% (January) 0.2% above baseline Target not set
(b) Percentage of CLS clients living in semi-independent living and family care settings 17% (March)

17% (March) Baseline To be determined [increase from baseline, amount TBD*] 17% (March) Equal to baseline Target not set
(c) Number of families receiving CLS individualized funding supports N/A N/A Implement funding Individualized funding for adult CLS programs are currently under development  
* TBD — To be determined.


There has been no change in where clients are living (i.e., at home, in semi-independent living), which is to be expected since efforts in 2002/03 were focused on the establishment of ICLBC. It is anticipated that, with ICLBC established, a shift to having more clients living at home or in semi-independent living situations will occur.

First steps toward enhancing the choices of community living clients and their families were begun with work on development of individualized funding for adults with developmental disabilities throughout 2002/03.

Explanation of Changes to Measures

Measures 1.2(a) and 1.2(b) did not have their targets determined since both have been removed from the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan to reflect the public reporting principles of fewer and more focused measures. Both measures will continue to be tracked internally by the ministry.


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