Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Annual Service Plan Report AppendicesContinued

Appendix 2: Performance Reporting Definitions, Rationales and Trends

The following measures that appear in this document are not included in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan. These changes reflect the ministry's efforts to improve its public reporting by focusing on fewer, more meaningful measures and by avoiding redundancy.

1.1 (a) Progress towards implementing a new model for governance and delivery of adult community living services
1.1 (b) Percentage reduction in the unit cost of residential CLS service
1.1 (c) Number of adults with developmental disabilities receiving services
1.1 (d) Client satisfaction measure to be developed
1.2 (a) Percentage of CLS clients who are living with family and receiving ministry services
1.2 (b) Percentage of CLS clients living in semi-independent living and family care settings
2.1 (a) Number of youth forensic psychiatric assessments completed
2.1 (b) Number of youth forensic treatment services
2.1 (d) Number of family group conferences
2.2 (a) Number of Youth Agreements that are active at the end of the year
2.3 (b) Progress on the development of a Child and Youth Mental Health Plan
3.1 (a) The proportion of kindergarten aged children who are "ready to learn"
3.1 (b) Number of learning sites to foster the integrated planning and delivery of early childhood developmental initiatives
3.2 (a) Rate of children in care with special needs that are in the care of the ministry (per 1,000 children with identified special needs)
3.2 (b) Percentage of children in care through Special Needs Agreements
4.1 (b) Rate of reoccurrence of maltreatment
4.1 (c) The percentage of Aboriginal agencies serving Aboriginal children in care
4.2 (a) Percentage of children in residential care placed in foster homes instead of other contracted residential resources (excludes delegated Aboriginal children)
5.1 (a) Progress towards implementing community-based governance structures
5.2 (b) Implementation status of administrative plans
5.2 (c) Implementation of streamlining of administration


Measure: Progress towards implementing a new model for governance and delivery of adult community living services

This is a qualitative process measure and may include any activity that the ministry or Interim Authority undertook in fiscal 2002/03 in order to establish community-governance for community living services.


The new governance system will deliver services in a more flexible and effective manner than past governance structures. Therefore, the establishment of this governance model is an essential component of achieving the stated goal and objectives.

Measure: Percentage reduction in the unit cost of residential CLS service

The actual expenditures for residential adult community living services, divided by the number of open case files in adult community living (based on March 2003 figures and reports).


A reduction in the average cost per residential CLS client is essential to ensuring the sustainability of community living services. It also reflect a movement towards more family-based residential services.


This measure has been amended to reflect the unit cost of residential CLS services. The baseline has been updated to reflect this change.


Unit cost of residential CLS service.

Measure: Number of adults with developmental disabilities receiving services

The number of open case files in March 2003. This is a proxy for the number of clients receiving services; however, there may be some discrepancy due to files that need to be closed, or files for which services have not yet commenced.


Illustrates the ministry's commitment to continuing to provide services to adults with developmental disabilities.


In the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Service Plan, this measure was shown as a fiscal average, but was subsequently changed to a point-in-time measure in the 2001/02 Annual Report, to more accurately reflect workload. The baseline has been amended to reflect this change.


Number of adults with developmental disabilities receiving services.

Measure: Client satisfaction measure to be developed

This measure was not developed since the requirements of accreditation will address this area. As part of the move to community governance, all Authorities — including ICLBC — will be required to become accredited with one of two accrediting bodies approved by the Minister. In order to meet the accreditation requirements, all Authorities will need to develop and implement a method of tracking client satisfaction.





Measure: Percentage of CLS clients who are living with family and receiving ministry services

Number of adults with developmental delays receiving MCFD-funded services excluding residential care, divided by the total number of CLS clients. Data based on March 2003 figures.


Illustrates the ministry's commitment to building the capacity of families and communities to support adults with developmental disabilities.


Percentage of CLS clients who are living with family and receiving ministry services.

Measure: Percentage of adult CLS clients living in semi-independent living and family care settings

The number of clients coded as living in semi-independent and family care settings divided by the total number of community living clients. Figures are based on March 2003 data.


Shows the ministry's commitment to providing supports to maintain adults with developmental disabilities while living in a more independent environment.


2000/01 — 17%

2001/02 — 17%

2002/03 — 17%

Measure: Number of families receiving CLS individualized funding supports

The number of adult community living clients that receive some form of individualized funding through MCFD under a CLS service.

Note: A family may receive individualized funding from more than one source, so some families may be counted more than once.


Individualized funding is a method of increasing choice for the families and clients receiving community living services.




In fiscal 2002/03, MCFD developed a program of individualized funding for children 0–6 with autism.

Measure: Number of youth forensic psychiatric assessment services

The number of youth psychiatric assessment services during the fiscal year for youth aged 12–17. This includes all new assessment services, as well as any assessment service that was initiated, but not completed, prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

Note: The number of assessment services is not the same as the number of youth receiving assessment services, since a youth may receive more than one assessment service.


Measures the effectiveness of the ministry in continuing to deliver services to assist in the rehabilitation of youth in the justice system.


The number of youth forensic assessment services has been revised since the 2001/02 Annual Report. The baseline has been adjusted from 1,277 for 2001/02 (to 1,600) to reflect a more accurate method of counting assessment services in order to more accurately reflect workload.


Number of youth forensic psychiatric assessments completed.

Measure: Number of youth forensic treatment services

The number of treatment services during the fiscal year. This includes all new treatment services, as well as any treatment service that was initiated, but not completed, prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.

Note: The number of treatment services is not the same as the number of youth receiving treatment services, since a youth may receive more than one treatment service.


Measures the effectiveness of the ministry in continuing to deliver services to assist in the rehabilitation of youth in the justice system.


The number of youth forensic treatment services has been revised since the 2001/02 Annual Report. The baseline has been adjusted, from 2,326 for 2001/02 to 2,050, to reflect a more accurate method of counting assessment services in order to more accurately reflect workload.


Number of youth forensic treatment services provided.

Measure: Rate of youth in custody based on a proportion of all 12–17 year olds (per 10,000)

The number of youth in custody under the Youth Criminal Justice Act expressed as a ratio of the total population of youth to which the Youth Criminal Justice Act applies (12–17 years).


This is a measure of the extent to which community-based programs act as an effective alternative to custody.


Rate of youth in custody per 10,000 (all 12-17 year olds).

Measure: Number of family group conferences

The number of family group conferences conducted under a pilot program in Youth Justice in 2001/02.


This measure shows the ministry's commitment to developing and implementing alternatives to youth custody.


The family group conferencing program was being piloted from the Burnaby Youth Court, which was closed during 2001/02. This explains the low number of family group conferences that took place.

Measure: Number of Youth Agreements that are active at the end of the fiscal year

The number of Youth Agreements that are active on March 31. A Youth Agreement is a comprehensive, non-guardianship service plan contracted between the ministry and a 16–18 year old youth in need of assistance and at high risk for such issues as sexual exploitation, homelessness, street entrenchment, drug addiction and mental health, with a goal towards successful transition to independence and/or return to family.


A measure of the extent that the ministry is using alternatives to government care for youth and to meet the needs of at-risk youth.


2000/01 — 161

2001/02 — 141

2002/03 — 161

Measure: Number of children and youth receiving community child and youth mental health services

Number of children and youth receiving community child and youth mental health services through ministry-staffed mental health service providers. Number does not indicate the type or frequency of service.


Illustrates the ministry's commitment to delivering child and youth mental health services in a community-based setting.


2000/01 — 10,400

2001/02 — 10,400

2002/03 — 10,400


This number does not reflect services that are delivered through contracted resources.

Measure: Progress on the development of a Child and Youth Mental Health Plan

This is a process measure and reflects the progress to date on the development and implementation of the provincial Child and Youth Mental Health Plan.


The Child and Youth Mental Health Plan will enhance child and youth mental health services in British Columbia.

Measure: The proportion of kindergarten aged children who are "ready to learn"

Learning Sites are communities that receive funding for the purpose of contributing to the determination of an integrated and comprehensive system for early childhood development that can be applied provincially.


This measure illustrates both the ministry's commitment to promoting early childhood development as a strategic investment and its commitment to build on the capacity of communities to plan and deliver appropriate services.

Measure: Number of learning sites to foster the integrated planning and delivery of early childhood development initiatives

Learning Sites are those that receive funding for the purpose of contributing to the determination of an integrated and comprehensive system for early childhood development that can be applied provincially.


This measure illustrates both the ministry's commitment to promoting early childhood development as a strategic investment and its commitment to build the capacity of communities to plan and deliver appropriate services.

Measure: Number of communities with urban Aboriginal early childhood development programs

The number of communities are defined as the number of urban centres (i.e., Terrace, Kamloops, City of Vancouver) that have an approved proposal for Aboriginal early childhood development funding. There may be more than one proposal per urban centre.


This measure demonstrates the ministry's support of building capacity within Aboriginal communities.

Measure: Rate of children with special needs that are in the care of the ministry (per 1,000 children with identified special needs)

The number of children in care with special needs (as of March each fiscal year) as a proportion of total estimated B.C. children with special needs. Child in care with special needs is defined as any child in care who has a Special Needs Agreement; is in the Community Living Services service stream; or is identified as having a health/behaviour indicator of any one of the following: autism, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, neo-natal abstinence syndrome, developmental disability/delay, mental health-diagnosed condition, dual diagnosis, physical health-communication deficit, medical condition, physical disability, procedural/equipment requirement, other developmental disability.

Population of children with special needs for 2001/02 is estimated at 52,450 (prevalence rate of 5.6%).


This measure is an indicator of the ministry's effectiveness in promoting and enhancing the capacity of families with children with special needs in caring for their children.


March 2001 — 111/1,000

March 2002 — 114/1,000

March 2003 — 108/1,000


The baseline for this measure has been updated since the 2001/02 Annual Report. The previous baseline of 119/1,000 (2000/01) has been updated to 111/1,000 in order to reflect a more accurate method of counting children in care with special needs.

Measure: Percentage of children in care through Special Needs Agreements

Number of children in care with special needs, through Special Needs Agreements under the Child, Family and Community Service Act as a proportion of total children in care with special needs, as of March each year.

A Special Needs Agreement is a voluntary agreement made between the ministry and a child's parent. This agreement allows the ministry to care for a child who requires specialized support when the parent is unable to meet these needs at home.


This measure is an indicator of the ministry's effectiveness in promoting and enhancing the capacity of families with special needs in caring for their children.


March 2001 — 5.3%

March 2002 — 5.3%

March 2003 — 5.5%


The baseline for this measure has been updated since the 2001/02 Annual Report. The previous baseline of 8.6% (2000/01) has been updated to 5.3% in order to reflect a more accurate method of counting children in care through Special Needs Agreements.

Measure: Rate of children in care (per 1,000 children under 19 years of age)

Total number of children in care (as of March each fiscal year end) divided by all children under 19 years of age in B.C.


Families have the right and primary responsibility to protect and support the growth and development of children and youth. Therefore, one of the ministry's goals is to support, strengthen and develop family capacity, and to reduce the number of children in the care of the ministry.


Rate of children in care (per 1,000 children under 19 years of age).

Measure: Rate of reoccurrence of maltreatment

The percentage of families who were investigated for a child protection issue in two consecutive years.


The reoccurrence of maltreatment is an indicator of the effectiveness of family development services and interventions in enhancing a family's capacity to care for its children after the ministry has previously intervened.


Rate of reoccurrence of maltreatment.

Measure: The percentage of Aboriginal agencies serving Aboriginal children in care

N/A — measure not fully developed


N/A — measure not fully developed


N/A — measure not fully developed


This measure was not fully developed and implemented since it is not included in the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan and is better addressed through "Percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by Aboriginal agencies".

Measure: Percentage of children in residential care placed in foster homes instead of other contracted residential resources (excludes delegated Aboriginal children)

The number of children in foster homes for March 2003, divided by the total number of children in residential care for March 2003.


Placing a child in care in foster care (as opposed to other contracted resources) usually offers a more suitable environment for the child.


March 1999 — 70%

March 2000 — 70%

March 2001 — 73%

March 2002 — 74%

March 2003 — 78%

Measure: Number of children in care adopted per fiscal year

Total number of children placed with adoptive families.


Permanency for children in care is important since it provides children with a stable and loving family within which to grow and learn.


Number of children in care adopted per fiscal year.

Measure: Percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by Aboriginal agencies

The total number of Aboriginal children in care that are served by Aboriginal agencies, expressed as a percentage of Aboriginal children in care.


This measure reflects the ministry's commitment to building the capacity of Aboriginal communities to develop and deliver services for Aboriginal children and families.

Measure: Progress towards implementing community-based governance structures

This is a process measure that reflects actual progress made as of March 2003.


The move towards community-based governance and service delivery will allow for the delivery of services that are better tailored to the clients' needs.

Measure: Reduce ministry's regulatory burden by 40% by end of fiscal 2004/05

"Regulatory Requirement" includes a compulsion, obligation, demand or prohibition placed on an individual, entity or activity in ministry legislation, regulation or policy.


The government has committed to reducing the regulatory burden in the province by 33% by 2004/05.


June 2001 — Baseline (16,963 regulations)

March 2003 — 26.5% reduction (12,453 regulations)

Measure: Implementation status of administrative plans

N/A — measure not fully developed


N/A — measure not fully developed


N/A — measure not fully developed


This measure was not fully developed since it was removed from the 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan. The information in this measure is better captured in the Summary Reports section of the 2002/03 – 2004/05 Annual Service Plan Report.

Measure: Implementation of streamlining of administration

This is a process measure that reflects actual progress made as of March 2003.


Reducing and streamlining the ministry's administration will help to focus limited resources on direct services to children and families.




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