Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Core Business: Effective Local Government, Aboriginal and
Women's Services

Goal 3: Address systemic barriers affecting women.


  1. To ensure that government programs address issues relating to women's economic and social equity.
Performance Measure Target
Best practices guide to assist ministries in ensuring that new policies and programs do not disadvantage women. Developed Complete. The guide is intended for use by government policy and program analysts.
Report to assess provincial performance in advancing the status of women.
• Develop performance measures to assess the status of women in BC.
Performance measures developed Complete. A related report will be released in 2003/04.

Other achievement for which targets were not set in the Service Plan for 2002/03:

  • The ministry established an online version of its Women's Services Directory in March 2003 to help women access BC government services more effectively.


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