Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 3: Responsive and Effective Management.


Performance Measure 18: Student aid application turnaround time

Objective Improve Ministry Business Practices
Key Strategy Management of Student Financial Assistance

Context for measure selection

The Ministry contribution towards achieving the government-wide target of reducing regulations by one-third by 2004/05 is on track. The Ministry has developed a three-year deregulation plan to assist with the reduction of the regulatory burden on Ministry stakeholders. Potential risks to achieving performance on this measure include: introduction of new regulatory requirements in legislation, regulation or policy, and limited availability of space on the legislative agenda that could affect the timing of deregulation amendments.

Results of measurement

Performance Measure 2002/03
2002/03 Actual 2002/03
Student aid application turnaround time Improvements underway 17 days The Ministry continues to improve turnaround time.

Context for results of measurement

Potential risks that may impact performance on this measure are those that involve policy or procedural change to the Student Financial Aid Program, which may impact processing time. For example, in 2003/04, the Student Services Branch will commence validation of social insurance numbers through an electronic file transfer with federal agencies. This will add at least 48 hours to processing time.

Turnaround time of 17 days for 2002/03 represented a decrease from the 19-day average measured in 2000/01.


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Performance Measure 19: Ministry program management budget as a percentage of overall ministry budget

Objective Improve Ministry Business Practices
Key Strategy Ministry Reorganization

Context for measure selection

Efficiency in program management through reorganization will allow the Ministry to focus on core business and deliver New Era commitments. This measure compares total program management costs to the total operating costs for the Ministry and provides an indication of the efficiency in administering Ministry programs.

Results of measurement

2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03
Ministry program budget as a per cent of overall Ministry budget Established baseline 1.24% Baseline was established in 2002/03

Context for results of measurement

The baseline value of 1.24 per cent was established for 2002/03. It is expected that this value will decrease in the next few years due to the winding down of the Industry Training and Apprenticeship Commission (ITAC), and increased efficiency in administering Ministry programs.

Performance Measure 20: Minister's advisory board appointed

Objective Improve Ministry Business Practices
Key Strategy Ministry Reorganization

Context for measure selection

The Minister's Advisory Council will bring together post-secondary system stakeholders to advise the Minister on all aspects of British Columbia's post-secondary education system, and in particular, in moving toward a more coherent and integrated system that provides a top-notch education for all British Columbians. The Council will also encourage greater communication between the K-12 and post-secondary education systems to help improve student transitions.

Results of measurement

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Minister's advisory board appointed New board announced Board selection process underway The Board is expected to be announced by Summer 2003.

Context for results of measurement

The structure for the Minister's Advisory Council was established and presented to public post-secondary institution presidents and board chairs in December 2002. The Minister is currently in the process of selecting members to be appointed to the Council. It is anticipated that the Minister's Advisory Council will be appointed in the near future.


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Performance Measure 21: Regulatory requirements eliminated

Objective Improve Ministry Business Practices
Key Strategy Reduction in Red Tape

Context for measure selection

The Ministry has committed to reducing total regulatory requirements by one-third by 2004 in line with the government's New Era commitment to reduce the regulatory burden in British Columbia.

Regulation is an important tool governments use to achieve public interest objects. However, the size and scope of regulation has increased in British Columbia as the complexity and interdependence of public policy objectives have increased. As a result, outdated or poorly designed regulation can dampen innovation and create unnecessary barriers to investment. Regulatory reform can boost efficiency, reduce costs, stimulate innovation, and improve competitiveness. Regulatory reform also helps government promote policy goals such as consumer protection.

Results of measurement

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Regulatory requirements eliminated Contribute towards government wide goal of reducing regulations by one third by 2004/05

Baseline for June 2001: 1,861 requirements

173 regulatory requirements removed Ministry contribution on track

Context for results of measurement

The Ministry contribution towards achieving the government-wide target of reducing regulations by one-third by 2004/05 is on track. The Ministry has developed a three-year deregulation plan to assist with the reduction of the regulatory burden on Ministry stakeholders. Potential risks to achieving performance on this measure include: introduction of new regulatory requirements in legislation, regulation or policy, and limited availability of space on the legislative agenda that could affect the timing of deregulation amendments.

Timing of bringing new legislation into force, including the Industry Training Authority Act and the Private Career Training Institutions Act, prevented the Ministry from achieving the internal target set for 2002/03. However, given that implementation of both of these Acts is still expected to proceed, targets established for 2003/04 will likely be exceeded.

Performance Measure 22: Establishment of accountability framework

Objective Improve Ministry Business Practices
Key Strategy Formalizing A New Accountability Framework

Context for measure selection

The Ministry is moving to a results-based approach to managing the post-secondary system, and moving away from detailed program management. This new approach is better able to ensure that the system delivers the services that students and society at large need, demonstrating to taxpayers the value they are receiving for public expenditures, while recognizing the autonomy of post-secondary institutions.

The Accountability Framework being developed by the Ministry institutes this performance management system. It includes processes for:

  • Identifying goals and objectives for the system;
  • Allocating achievement of those goals to system partners;
  • Developing performance measures to assess achievement of the goals;
  • Public reporting of information on performance;
  • Implications of performance for decision-making; and
  • Periodic review and evaluation of the framework for continuous improvement.

Results of measurement

Performance Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual 2002/03 Variance
Establishment of Accountability Framework Accountability Framework announced Consultation and development completed in 2002/03.

Accountability Framework to be implemented for 2003/04

Accountability Framework announced.

Context for results of measurement

The Post Secondary Accountability Framework was announced in the 2003/04 budget and accountability letters to the institutions in March 2003.


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