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2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report
Ministry of Advanced Education

Appendix A —

Statutes Administered by the Ministry of Advanced Education

Access to Education (repealed effective March 31, 2002)*

Accountants (Certified General)

Accountants (Chartered)

Accountants (Management)

Applied Science Technologists and Technicians


Architects (Landscape)

College and Institute

Engineers and Geoscientists

Industry Training and Apprenticeship

Institute of Technology

Music Teachers (Registered)

Open Learning Agency

Private Post-Secondary Education

Public Education Flexibility and Choice

Royal Roads University

Sea to Sky University

Technical University of British Columbia (repealed effective March 31, 2003)

Trinity Western University Foundation


University Foundations

University of Northern British Columbia (repealed effective July 15, 2002)

Workers Compensation (s. 3 (6))

* The repeal did not pass until April 20, 2002 but was made retroactive to March 31, 2002.


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Appendix B —

Performance Measure Technical Definition and Data Source

1. Number of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded in the public system
Measure Definition This measure is a count of credentials, apprenticeship certificates and certifications awarded (issued) by public post-secondary institutions and the Industry Training Apprenticeship Commission (ITAC) in the 2001/02 academic year. The credentials counted are formal qualifications, as opposed to certificates of attendance, issued upon completion of formal program requirements by students at public institutions in British Columbia. Credentials are counted in the academic year (September to August) and will include those awarded at the traditional spring and late fall convocations.
Data Source University credential counts are provided by The University Presidents' Council (TUPC). College, university college and institute data are obtained from the Ministry Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse. Apprenticeship credentials for 2001/02 were obtained from the Apprenticeship Information Management System (AIMS), which will be retained as the main data source for apprenticeship certificates by the Industry Training Authority. Over time, enhancements will be introduced by the Authority to expand data requirements for institutions and private trainers to capture trainees in other industry training programs funded by the Authority.
2. Mandate, roles and responsibilities of the system reviewed
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.
3. Number of credit transfer agreements
Measure Definition This measure is a count of active course transfer agreements registered between April 1, 2002, and March 31, 2003.
Data Source The Online Transfer Guide includes the BCCAT Course to Course Transfer Database, and is the formal record of all transfer agreements in the British Columbia post-secondary system. BCCAT updates its records continuously throughout the year as institutions report new articulation agreements and request deletion of obsolete agreements. BCCAT reports on the number of transfer agreements in the system in an Annual Report, which is submitted to the Ministry each year in April.
4. Enactment of enabling legislation
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.
5. Number of new FTEs enrolled in online learning
Measure Definition This measure is a count of actual FTEs delivered by institutions for online learning programs.
Data Source Institutions provide the Ministry with enrolment reports (actual full-time equivalent [FTE] counts on an annual basis). These reports show the breakdown of the educational activities at the institution by identifying the actual number of FTEs delivered for that year. University FTE enrolments are based on reporting guidelines from The University Presidents' Council (TUPC) Database Glossary of Terms and Definitions. College, university college, and institute FTE enrolments follow the Audited Enrolment Reporting Manual (1990 and 1995).

Note: the 2002/03 actual FTE data included in this report are estimates provided by post-secondary institutions on the basis of a preliminary review of their enrolment records. Prior to this year, institutions were not required to submit audited enrolment reports to the Ministry until the end of June each year. The Ministry is currently working with institutions to ensure this information will be available for inclusion in the annual Service Plan Report in future.

6. Student outcomes — critical thinking, communications, problem solving
Measure Definition This measure provides a percentage based on the number of college, university college, and institute students who indicated their program prepared them 'very well' or 'well', and the number of university graduates who indicated their university help was 'very high' or 'high'.
Data Source There are currently two student outcomes survey projects in British Columbia: The British Columbia University Baccalaureate Graduate Survey (UBGS), and the British Columbia College and Institute Student Outcomes Survey Project (CISO). The UBGS is an annual survey of baccalaureate graduates for the five public universities in British Columbia. Data are collected on graduates of baccalaureate programs (excluding graduates from medical and dental programs, international students, and those currently living outside North America), two and five years after graduation. The CISO is an annual survey of former students of public colleges, university colleges, institutes and the Open Learning Agency. Data are collected through a telephone survey of students who have completed all or a significant portion of their programs within the last 9 to 20 months. Data are reported for the year in which students were surveyed, that is, results for 2002/03 are based on the CISO and UBGS surveys conducted in 2002.

The percentage of students who indicated they gained specific skills is reported along with the calculated margin of error for this question on the survey. The margin of error calculation allows us to say that we are 95 per cent confident that if we asked all eligible students the same question we would get the same result as from those who answered the survey question, plus or minus a few responses one way or the other (i.e., between 71 per cent and 73 per cent of college, university college and institute students believe their education program prepared them to write clearly and concisely).

7. Student outcomes — usefulness of education in performing job
Measure Definition This measure provides a percentage based on the number of college, university college and institute sector students who indicated their program was 'very useful' or 'somewhat useful', and the number of university graduates who indicated their university education 'very useful' or 'somewhat useful'.
Data Source Data are reported for the year in which students were surveyed, that is, results for 2002/03 are based on the CISO and UBGS surveys conducted in 2002. Note: this question will only be asked of university graduates two years from their date of graduation. Data will only be available every two years for the university sector.

The percentage of students who indicated they gained specific skills is reported along with the calculated margin of error for this question on the survey. The margin of error calculation allows us to say that we are 95 per cent confident that if we asked all eligible students the same question we would get the same result as from those who answered the survey question, plus or minus a few responses one way or the other (i.e., between 76 per cent and 78 per cent of college, university college and institute sector students found the knowledge and skills they acquired from their education was useful in performing their job).

8. Tuition policy
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.
9. Establishment of results based block funding
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.
10. Number of new computer science, electrical and computer engineering student spaces
Measure Definition This measure is a count of actual FTEs delivered by institutions for computer science, electrical and computer engineering degree programs.
Data Source 2002/03 actual FTE data included in this report are unaudited estimates provided by post-secondary institutions on the basis of a preliminary review of their enrolment records.
11. Number of new social child protection worker student spaces
Measure Definition The measure is a count of actual FTEs delivered for Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Child and Youth Care programs.
Data Source 2002/03 actual FTE data included in this report are unaudited estimates provided by post-secondary institutions on the basis of a preliminary review of their enrolment records.
12. Number of new RNs, LPNs, and other Allied Health student spaces
Measure Definition The measure is a count of actual FTEs delivered by institutions for registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, residential care aide and other allied health professional programs.
Data Source 2002/03 actual FTE data included in this report are unaudited estimates provided by post-secondary institutions on the basis of a preliminary review of their enrolment records.
13. Number of new medical school student spaces
Measure Definition The measure is a count of actual FTEs delivered by UBC (and eventually UVic and UNBC when the Island and Northern Medical Programs are underway) for medical programs.
Data Source 2002/03 actual FTE data included in this report are unaudited estimates provided by post-secondary institutions on the basis of a preliminary review of their enrolment records.
14. New medical school facilities
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.
15. Number of new training spaces
Measure Definition This is a measure of the number of FTEs delivered by institutions for ELTT programs and of the number of apprenticeship training program seats spaces funded in 2002/03.
Data Source 2002/03 actual FTE data estimates and Apprenticeship Information Management System (AIMS).
16. Number of leading edge chairs funded
Measure Definition This is a measure of the amount of provincial government funding provided to the Leading Edge Endowment Fund for the purpose of supporting BC Leadership Chairs.
17. Funding support for research
Measure Definition This is a measure of the funding support for research.
18. Student aid application turnaround time
Measure Definition This is a measure of the average number of days the Ministry takes to process an application for student financial aid from the date a complete application is received to the time a decision on funding eligibility is determined and communicated.
Data Source Data on turnaround time is generated from reports from the Student Financial Aid System, and administrative database operated by the Student Services Branch, Ministry of Advanced Education.
19. Ministry program management budget as a percentage of overall Ministry budget
Measure Definition This is a quantitative measure calculated as a ratio of total program costs to total operating costs, by fiscal year.
Data Source The results are measured by comparing the program management costs to the total operating costs for the Ministry. The source of the expenditure (actual) information is 2002/03 Public Accounts.
20. Minister's advisory board appointed
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified. This measure reflects the Minister's commitment to create a Minister's Advisory Council, as indicated in her presentation to open Cabinet in November 2001.
21. Regulatory requirements eliminated
Measure Definition This measure is a count of the actual number of Ministry regulatory requirements that have been removed.
Data Source Data are collected by reference to the Ministry's regulatory count.
22. Establishment of accountability framework
Measure Definition This is a qualitative measure of specific Ministry activity, and performance will be assessed by whether the intended activity was undertaken and completed by the Ministry as identified.


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Appendix C —

Performance Measure Changes from 2001/02 and Status for 2003/04

Performance Measure (2002/03) Change in Measure from 2001/02 Service Plan Report Status of Measure for 2003/04 Service Plan and Service Plan Report
1. Number of degrees, diplomas and certificates awarded in the public system This report includes data for the entire public post-secondary education system for 2001/02. The baseline data calculation for this measure was adjusted to reflect recent information provided by post-secondary institutions.

This measure was retained for the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04 with minor changes to the measure wording.

2. Mandate, roles and responsibilities of the system reviewed Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. This performance measure was included in Ministry Service Plan 2003/04. Consultation is expected to be completed in 2003/04 and legislation introduced.
3. Number of credit transfer agreements Data are reported for 2002/03. This measure has been expanded for 2003/04 to include block transfer arrangements as well as course to course transfer agreements.
4. Enactment of enabling legislation Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. This measure was completed in 2002/03 and was not included in the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04.
5. Number of new FTEs enrolled in online learning Data are reported for 2002/03. The wording of this measure was changed in the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04.
6. Student outcomes — critical thinking, communications, problem solving Data included in the Service Plan Report for 2001/02 for university graduates did not fully align with the information included for the college, university college and institute sector. The data reported for 2002/03 (based on the 2002 outcomes surveys) are more appropriate for this measure. This measure was included in the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04, with significant changes to the definition of the measure. Data for 2003/04 will be reported for additional skill categories, and will include data for the university sector. As well, changes were made to the CISO survey questionnaire to ensure that skill categories were comparable with those included in the UBGS survey.
7. Student outcomes — usefulness of education in performing job Data included in the Service Plan Report for 2001/02 for university graduates did not fully align with the information included for the college, university college and institute sector. The data reported for 2002/03 (based on the 2002 outcomes surveys) are more appropriate for this measure. The wording for this question was changed for the 2002 outcomes surveys. The actual question students were asked to respond to on the survey used the words 'knowledge and skills' as opposed to 'education'. This is how the data are reported in this report. The wording for this measure reflects this change in the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04.
8. Tuition Policy Status is reported for the full year 2002/03.

This measure was completed in 2002/03 and was not included in the Ministry Service Plan for 2003/04.
9. Establishment of results based block funding Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. This measure was completed in 2002/03 and was not included in the Ministry Service Plan for 2003/04.
10. Number of new computer science, electrical and computer engineering student spaces Data are reported for 2002/03. The wording of this measure was changed for the 2003/04 Service Plan.
11. Number of new social/child protection worker student spaces Data are reported for 2002/03. The wording of this measure was changed for the 2003/04 Service Plan.
12. Number of new RNs, LPNs and other Allied Health students spaces Data are reported for 2002/03. The wording of this measure was changed for the 2003/04 Service Plan.
13. Number of new medical school student spaces Data are reported for 2002/03. The wording of this measure was changed for the 2003/04 Service Plan.
14. New medical school facilities Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. Progress towards this measure was considered to be substantial enough in 2002/03 that the measure was not included in the 2003/04 Service Plan.
15. Number of new training spaces This report only includes ELTT FTEs delivered by public institutions and apprenticeship technical training days. The 2001/02 Service Plan Report included a baseline number that is no longer applicable in light of program restructuring that was initiated in 2002/03. The new Industry Training Authority will develop accountability measures as a requirement of their business plan and legislative mandate. In 2003/04, significant changes in industry training will impact program delivery. In order to ensure an orderly transition to a new  model of industry training, baseline data will need to be collected in 2003/04.
16. Number of leading edge chairs funded The Ministry Service Plan Report, 2001/02 indicated this measure would be a count of the number of BC Leadership Chairs established in a given fiscal year, with a target of establishing a baseline in 2002/03. However, the Ministry's total funding commitment to the LEEF was completed in 2002/03, two years ahead of schedule. The Ministry no longer has responsibility for directly awarding BC Leadership Chairs. Therefore, it is no longer appropriate to include a count of Chairs awarded within Ministry strategic reporting. This measure was considered complete in 2002/03 and was not included in the 2003/04 Service Plan.
17. Funding support for research The Ministry Service Plan Report 2001/02 included a revised definition and target for this measure. This report includes information on the original measure and target from the Ministry Service Plan 2001/02. The wording for this measure was changed in 2003/04. The new performance measure will reflect total research revenue received by British Columbia universities from federal, provincial, and other funding sources.
18. Student aid application turnaround time The Service Plan Report 2001/02 reported a performance target for 2001/02 of 17 days. This measure is included in the 2003/04 Service Plan.
19. Ministry program management budget as a percentage of overall Ministry budget The Service Plan Report, 2001/02 reported a baseline value of 1.14 per cent. This number was restated in 2002/03 to maintain consistency with revisions made to fiscal results due to the incorporation of ITAC administrative costs in the Ministry overall administration cost. The restated number for 2001/02 is 1.69 per cent. This measure is included in the 2003/04 Service Plan.
20. Minister's advisory board appointed This measure was not included in the Service Plan Report 2001/02. This measure was not included in the 2003/04 Service Plan.
21. Regulatory requirements eliminated Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. The wording for this measure was changed in 2003/04.
22. Establishment of accountability framework Status is reported for the full year 2002/03. This wording of the measure was changed for the Ministry Service Plan 2003/04 to reflect progress achieved in the framework development.


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Appendix D —

Glossary of Performance Planning and Reporting Terms

Annual Report —
A New Era Update
A Ministry document for fiscal year 2001/02. Although the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (BTAA) as amended takes effect for the 2002/03 fiscal year, and does not technically apply to reports for 2001/02, the intention is that the report should resemble future reports under the BTAA to the extent that is appropriate and practicable in the current circumstance of change of government and extensive reorganization.
Annual Service 
Plan Report:
A Ministry document required by the amended BTAA from fiscal year 2002/03 onwards. This report may contain information normally found in a traditional annual report, with the additional requirement that a Ministry's performance in meeting its service goals and targets is emphasized in the document. The document must link directly back to the Ministry's corresponding service plan. In addition, the document must contain a signed statement from the responsible minister to the effect that the minister is accountable for the actual results reported.
Core Business area: A set of key activities or programs or budget areas related to the purpose, role and mandate of the Ministry. Most ministries will have three to six core business or program areas.
Efficiency measure: Measuring the relationship between the amount of input (usually dollars or employee time) and the amount of service output or outcome of an activity or program.
Full-time equivalent: (FTE): The equivalent of one person working 1,827 hours in one year; includes employees whose salaries are paid directly from the Consolidated Revenue Fund. In the case of students an FTE is the equivalent of one person taking the full annual course load.
Goal: Goals are the long-term ends that the Ministry (or a business or program area) wants to achieve in fulfilling its mandate and mission. Goals must be realistic and achievable.
Input measure: A measure of the amount of resources (dollars and FTEs) used to undertake a function.
Mission: The reason for the Ministry's existence. The statement identifies what the Ministry does, why it does it, and for whom. It also reminds the public and other government entities of the unique purposes promoted and served by the Ministry. The Ministry's goals, objectives and strategies must be consistent with its mission statement.
Objectives: Objectives are concise, realistic, results-oriented statements of what service results a Ministry or core service area achieves in the short term on the way to accomplishing its goals. Objectives must be stated in a way that clearly communicates what is to be achieved and measured or assessed, and when.
Outcome measure: Measuring the results and consequences or changes in conditions, behaviours or attitudes that indicate progress in achieving a program's or Ministry's mission and goals. Outcomes may be immediate, ultimate, or somewhere in between.
Output measure: A measure of the level of service provided by a program (i.e., what and how much came out of a program or service.) The measurable unit can be a number, percentage or ratio.
A performance measure (sometimes referred to as an indicator) can be used to measure/indicate the degree of success a Ministry has in achieving its goals and objectives. When a measure has a specific numeric value attached to one aspect of the performance under consideration, it is then typically referred to as a performance indicator.
Performance plan: See Service Plan

Note: The amended BTAA (August 2001) adopts the term "Service Plan" to replace the previously used term, "Performance Plan".

Performance target: Targets express pre-set, quantifiable performance levels to be attained at a future date.
Planning context: Summary information for critical thinking about, deciding on, and preparing a future course of action. A planning context assesses the Ministry's internal strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities. The context examines factors within the Ministry that can positively or negatively affect its ability to accomplish its mission, goals and objectives. The planning context also assesses external forces that significantly affect the Ministry.
Program: A set of activities with clearly defined, dedicated resources and common measurable objectives that are coherent and consistent.
Result: A consequence, issue or outcome of an action or series of actions. Often used synonymously with "outcome" and/or "output."
Service plan: A plan that describes a Ministry's purpose or mission, its direction or vision, its goals and objectives, the operational strategies and resources it intends to use to achieve those objectives, and how it will know if it has been successful (i.e., through the use of performance measures and targets.)
Strategic context: The strategic context of a service plan provides high-level information that describes where a Ministry is now. It usually includes a Ministry's vision, mission, values and planning context.
Strategic plan: The high-level, government-wide corporate document that outlines the government's vision, mission, values and key priorities for the medium to long term.
Strategies: Strategies are the actions that describe how objectives are to be achieved. Other terms used to describe strategies are programs, projects, initiatives and activities, among others.
Values: The value statement expresses a Ministry's core values or fundamental beliefs. Values define the Ministry's management style, organizational values, and code of conduct for personal and organizational behaviour.
Vision: A clear and compelling picture of a Ministry's preferred future, where the Ministry is going, and where it wants to be. This vision must be sufficiently desirable and challenging to motivate and inspire Ministry employees and influence decision-making.


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