Commission 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Annual Service Plan Report AppendicesContinued

Appendix 1: Summary of ALR Area by Region, Exclusions and Inclusions — April 1, 2002 – March 31, 2003

Region Area as of April 1, 2002 Inclusions 2002-03 Exclusions 2002-03 Area as of March 31, 2003

103,714.9 3.2 326.9 103,391.2
Okanagan 228,090.3 454.5 1,161.91 227,382.9
South Coast 176,914.5 7.0 49.1 176,872.4
Kootenay 384,979.9 66.8 181.9 384,864.8
Interior 1,494,174.8 205.7 120.3 1,494,260.2
North 2,365,928.6 235.8 82.4 2,366,082.0
Total 4,753,803.0 973.0 1,922.5 4,752,853.5
1 Includes a single large area (1102 ha.) excluded from the ALR, due to poor agricultural capability, in the Anarchist Mountain area of the South Okanagan.

All figures are in hectares and are provisional. ALR areas are subject to change, and are not directly comparable, year to year, as digital mapping of the ALR is not completed but is underway for the outstanding areas (35%) of the province.


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