Ministry Role and Services — Continued
Expenditures for Community and Public Safety
(With the exception of FTEs, all
figures are expressed in thousands of dollars.) |
2002/03 Target |
2002/03 Actual |
Explanation of Significant Variances
(if any) |
Operating expenditures |
205,999 |
198,430 |
Variance primarily due to reductions in
numbers of witnesses and contracted lawyers, reduced transcript
costs; hiring lags; and reallocation of expenditures to the
Social and Economic Stability business area after the original
target had been published in the Service Plan. |
Capital expenditures (CCP) |
1,950 |
2 |
Variance primarily due to delayed capital
projects. |
Capital expenditures (CRF) |
11,428 |
11,380 |
FTEs direct |
1,593 |
1,589 |
Financing Transactions |
— |
— |