Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Ministry Role and ServicesContinued

Expenditures for Corporate Services for MAG/TNO and MPSSG

(With the exception of FTEs, all figures are expressed in thousands of dollars.) 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Explanation of Significant Variances (if any)
Operating expenditures 50,260 49,224 Variance primarily due to amortization savings.
Capital expenditures (CCP)  
Capital expenditures (CRF) 12,205 9,425 Variance due to savings from projected costs for personal computer replacements.
FTEs direct 359 282 Variance due to Early Retirement Incentive Plan (ERIP) adjustments and hiring lags.
Financing Transactions 925 498  

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