Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.


Performance Measures and Results for Business Areas with Direct Services to Government

The following business areas provide services to government, but not directly to the public. Objectives, measures, strategies and measures from the 2002/2003 Service Plan are included, along with the ministry goals that are relevant to each area and the results for 2002/2003.

Lawful Government

This business area supports the following ministry goals:

  • High-quality legal services are provided to government
  • The efficiency of all ministry operations is improved through the use of innovative business practices and technology
Objective: Provide high quality legal services to ministries and government
  • Use client satisfaction survey results to improve the legal services delivered
  • Increase use of dispute resolution in litigation

Advise the government on criminal law matters

Objective: Deliver legal services as cost-effectively as possible
  • Reduce litigation costs through technology and re-engineered business processes
  • Adopt more cost-effective service delivery models
  • Ensure that cost of legal services is competitive with other comparable public sector organizations
  • Develop policies and procedures in respect of new ways to administer criminal justice in British Columbia
  • Encourage efficiency by increasing client ministry accountability for legal services expenditures
Objective: Reduce the province's exposure to civil liability and control liability costs to government
  • Improve existing risk management practices, and introduce additional risk management measures
  • Improve the effectiveness of litigation management
Objective: Respond to clients' changing needs for legal services
  • Improve the Memorandum of Understanding process with clients and develop appropriate levels of service
  • Provide client training in legal services
  • Use technology to provide current information and advice on emerging issues

Performance Measures: 2001/02 Actual 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual Context
# of legal years of services provided (legal counsel, legal assistants — internal and external) TBD TBD 263


Estimate based on 11 months of actual data for external counsel with a projection for the 12th month, and 12 months of actual data for internal counsel
Implementation of technology initiatives Project under way Project completed Project completed Target reached. Document Management System implemented to manage large-scale cases where document volumes are high. Practice Management System implemented to track and manage cases.
# of legal person years involved in providing advice to the government on criminal law matters TBD TBD Measure abandoned Ministry is unable to collect reliable and valid data at this time.
% of clients satisfied with services 91% 91% N/A Follow up survey was not completed in 02/03; priority was given to implementation of full cost recovery. A survey is planned for later in fiscal 2003/04, with reporting out in the last quarter.
Blended average hourly cost of internal and external services $110 per 


$110 per hour $108 per hour


Estimated result; target likely surpassed.

• Estimate based on 11 months of actual data for external counsel with a projection for the 12th month, and 12 months of actual data for internal counsel

• Blended hourly rate is a quantified result of our organization costs. Measure should go down or remain steady

• Data source is Legal Services timekeeping system and outside counsel expense tracking system. Both systems are considered  reliable.

Cost of legal services as compared with other jurisdictions Base rate = $110 per hour;

External rates TBD

Cost remains less than or equal to external rates N/A Project not completed in fiscal 2002/03 due to other priorities. Work to develop external rates will begin in 2003/04.

Aboriginal Negotiation and Litigation

This business area supports the following ministry goals:

  • High-quality legal services are provided to government
  • The efficiency of all ministry operations is improved through the use of innovative business practices and technology

Objective: Provide high-quality legal services in Aboriginal law matters
  • Use client satisfaction survey results to improve the legal services delivered
  • Increase use of dispute resolution in litigation
Objective: Deliver legal services as cost-effectively as possible
  • Use technology and re-engineered business processes to reduce costs
  • Adopt more cost effective service delivery models
Performance Measures: 2001/02 Actual 2002/02 Target 2001/02 Actual Context
Legal years of service provided for Aboriginal law matters (lawyers, legal assistants, researchers — internal and external) TBD TBD 40


Estimate based on 11 months of actual data for external counsel with a projection for the 12th month, and 12 months of actual data for internal counsel
# of cases using alternate dispute resolution No data TBD Unknown No baseline information available since aboriginal litigation was brought on within fiscal year 2002/03. Baseline and targets can be established after sufficient information is collected.
Implementation of technology initiatives Project under way Project completed Project complete Target achieved. Document Management System implemented to manage large-scale cases where document volumes are high. Practice Management System implemented to track and manage cases.
% of clients satisfied with services TBD Maintain Unknown Survey was not completed in 02/03; priority was given to implementation of full cost recovery. A survey (as part of the general survey for legal services to government) is planned for later in fiscal 2003/04, with reporting out in the last quarter.
Blended average hourly cost of internal and external services $113 $113 $103


Estimated result; target likely surpassed. Reduction in measure indicates cost savings.

Estimate based on 11 months of actual data for external counsel with a projection for the 12th month, and 12 months of actual data for internal counsel

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Statutory, Special Accounts and Agencies, Boards and Commissions (ABCs)

This business area supports the following ministry goal:

  • The efficiency of all ministry operations is improved through the use of innovative business practices and technology

Objective: Provide administrative and policy support to Ministry agencies, boards and commissions
  • Manage appointment process for agencies, boards and commissions associated with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and the Ministry of Attorney General
  • Manage historical database for Ministry of Attorney General and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministerial Order and Order-in-Council appointments
  • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of ABCs in reaching their program objectives
Objective: Provide administrative support for all Commissions of Inquiry, Intermittent Committees, and Special Projects
  • Provide contract management, logistical and administrative support for identified statutory bodies (e.g., commissions of inquiry, Electoral Boundaries Commission, Judicial Compensation Committee) and to major project initiatives such as the Administrative Justice Project, Pay Equity Task Force
Performance Measures: 2001/02 Actual 2002/02 Target 2001/02 Actual Context
% of appointment vacancies filled 100% 100% 100% Actual Target achieved
% of appointment packages sent to Minister at least one month before expiry 80% 85% 90% Estimate

Estimated result; target likely surpassed

• Unable to do an actual count as ABC appointment process is undergoing re-design and conversion of data into a new database (ACCESS).

• The implementation of a new database will improve technical efficiency and performance measurement.

% of contracts in place within 30 days of direction to contract 85% 90% 100% Estimate

Target surpassed

• Manual count; no automated system in place. All contracts were in place immediately after direction.

% of invoices processed within 60 days of receipt 85% 90% 100% Estimate

Target surpassed

• Manual count; no automated system in place. All invoices were processed within 7 days of receiving them.

Corporate Services for Ministry of Attorney General and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General

This business area supports the following ministry goals:

  • Laws and justice services are administered fairly, equitably and efficiently to all British Columbians, while individual rights and judicial independence are protected
  • The efficiency of all ministry operations is improved through the use of innovative business practices and technology

Objective: Support the operational branches of the ministries and their associated agencies, boards and commissions
  • Provide administrative, research, analytical and business planning support
  • Review appeals, investigate complaints and inspect Corrections and Court Services facilities to ensure compliance with standards, policies, legislation and regulations
  • Develop secure and effective operational and management information systems, and improve access to electronic information
  • Ensure that staff are well trained and key positions and appointments are filled
  • Provide financial management services and resource analysis
  • Protect personal privacy while providing public access to records
Objective: Provide corporate policy and secretariat services to Ministers and Deputies
  • Provide policy analysis and advice on inter-ministerial and inter-governmental developments in criminal, civil and family justice, human rights, administrative law, consumer protection and justice statistics initiatives
  • Represent the province at federal-provincial-territorial tables addressing justice and human rights issues
  • Respond to inquiries from MLAs and the public
Objective: Prepare for and manage strategic shifts in programs and policies
  • Develop policy, legislative and implementation plans associated with the Core Review, the Administrative Justice Project, New Era commitments and broad government directions
  • Monitor the performance of all programs and the ministries' progress towards long-term goals
  • Ensure that staff are supported and transitions to new organizational structures proceed smoothly
  • Restructure the human rights system and oversight of the Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Develop and enact private law and civil liability reforms


Performance Measures: 2001/02 Base Data 002/03 Target 2002/03 Results Context
FIGARO system implemented

Implementation begun

Implementation completed System is operational Target achieved
Interface between PRIME BC and JUSTIN implemented

Implementation begun

Implementation completed Pilot phase completed Target postponed to conduct a pre-implementation pilot at three municipal police departments
# of completed investigations of complaints regarding corrections and courts facilities





(This figure is a projection of the number of complaints that will be received and investigated, and is not a true target)

791 Projection surpassed.

The 2002/03 result shows a sizable increase over the projection and a 63% increase over the 2001/02 base data. The effects of consolidation of correctional centres and changes in programs are reflected in the numbers of complaints received and investigated. The number of complaints and subsequent investigations are expected to rise again in the next fiscal year.

Plain language modernization of the Residential Tenancy Act implemented

Modernization/ implementation begun


Implementation of modernized Act completed New Residential Tenancy Act passed November 2002

Target achieved.

Project completed

Provision to encourage parental responsibility for children who commit property crimes

Parental Responsibility Act in force Jan 2002 NA NA

Target achieved in previous fiscal.

Reduction in regulatory requirements for businesses, the public and government






Amalgamations and evolving responsibilities within the Ministry of Attorney General will require more regulatory review to determine appropriate targets

# of Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) in place to enhance ministry accountability for agencies, boards and commissions

0 2 – 3 0

Generic draft in final form. Individual MOUs being drafted with agencies in 2003/04.

Elections Act reforms enacted

Election date fixed Review and analysis completed NA

Legislation to establish fixed provincial election dates was enacted August 2002. Election Statutes Amendment Act came into force October 2002.

Administrative Justice Project results implemented Project analysis begun Project analysis ends and implementation of results begun (Phase 1) Review completed.

(Phase II)

Administrative Justice Office established to oversee implementation of changes.

Project on target
Development of private law reform program Program established Amendments introduced Framework for reinvigorating the process was completed. Legislative amendments planned for 2003/04.
Civil liability reform Discussion paper released Decisions made Summary of responses to consultation paper has been compiled and released Legislation to be developed in 2004


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