Crown Agency Service Plans
- 552513 British Columbia Ltd.
- BC Transportation Financing Authority
- BCIF Management Ltd.
- BC PNP Fast Track Fund Ltd.
- British Columbia Enterprise Corporation
- British Columbia Public School Employers' Association
- British Columbia Railway Company and its subsidiaries
- British Columbia Trade and Invest Ltd.
- Canadian Blood Services
- Community Social Services Employers' Association of British Columbia (CSSEA)
- Creston Valley Wildlife Management Authority
- Crown Corporations Employers Association
- Health Employers Association of British Columbia
- Leading Edge Endowment Fund
- Nechako-Kitamaat Development Fund Society
- Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia
- Provincial Rental Housing Corporation
- Rapid Transit Project 2000 Ltd.
- Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia
- The Post-Secondary Employers' Association
- Statements of the Minister of Finance under section 24 (3) of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act.
- As required by section 24 (3) of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act (BTAA), this statement is to provide the reasons for the Minister of Finance to recommend the following:
- Designation of the BC Health Care Occupational Health and Safety Society as an "education and health sector organization" under the act
- Section 24 (2)(d)(ii) of the BTAA provides authority to the LGIC, on recommendation from the Minister of Finance, and following consultation with the Auditor General, to designate an entity as an education and health sector organization. Sections 13 and 16 of the act do not apply to designated organizations, thus the entity would not be subject to requirements to table a Service Plan and Annual Service Plan Report each year on Budget Day.
- The Society operates independently from government to support BC's health care sector in addressing high injury and illness rates. The society receives public funding from the Ministry of Health, and was deemed to be part of the Government Reporting Entity by the Comptroller General.
- Through this designation, the Society still meets the spirit and intent of BTAA sections 13 and 16 by:
- publishing an online annual report (including a deliverables overview following fiscal year-end); and
- submitting quarterly financial reports to the Ministry of Health, as required by the Comptroller General, for inclusion in the Public Accounts.
- The designation can be revoked by Cabinet and the LGIC in future years if the Ministry of Finance finds that these reporting requirements have not been met.