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  • Building Stability, Confidence For The Future

    Budget 2009 provides stability and confidence for B.C. families, businesses and communities. The government is taking immediate action to create tens of thousands of jobs and enhance the public services British Columbians depend on.

    A seismic shift in the global economy has had a dramatic impact on B.C., resulting in a sharp decline in revenues necessary to fund government programs and services. Rather than increase tax or dramatically reduce spending on priority programs, the B.C. government will run its first deficit in five years.

  • Finance Minister Colin Hansen

    Minister Colin Hansen answering questions from members of the media at the budget lockup, February 17, 2009.

    High Resolution Photographs >>
  • Slide Presentation

    The Finance Minister’s slide presentation to the news media and stakeholders.

    Flash Slide Presentation >>
  • Budget Speech

    The Finance Minister’s address to the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.



    Webcast of Minister Colin Hansen’s Budget Speech to the Legislative Assembly.

    Webcast >>

(PDF Reader and Flash Plugin link page)

Budget News Release: the budget overview distributed to news media.     PDF
Budget Backgrounders: additional budget details to accompany the news release.      
• Fiscal Plan 2009/10-2011/12     PDF
• A Record Of Responsible Fiscal Management In B.C.     PDF
• B.C.’s Revenue-neutral Carbon Tax     PDF
Budget and Fiscal Plan: the main budget document; it lays out the Province’s three-year fiscal plan, including economic outlook, revenues, spending, tax measures, and forecasting risks and assumptions.     PDF
Estimates: the detailed breakdown of proposed spending by ministry and government agency that must be debated and approved by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. PDF
Supplement to the Estimates: provides additional information on proposed spending organized into major categories such as salaries, grants, capital, travel, and operations.   PDF
Ministry Service Plans: provides an overview of every ministry, including how they intend to achieve their service goals and how they support the direction laid out in the Government Strategic Plan. Listing of
Service Plans
Crown Agency Service Plans: provides an overview of every Crown agency, including how they intend to achieve their service goals and how they support the direction laid out in the Government Strategic Plan. Listing of
Crown Agency
Service Plans
Government Strategic Plan: sets out an overarching vision, goals and priority actions for the Province of British Columbia for the next 10 years.     PDF