Ministry Overview

Purpose of the Ministry

The Ministry of Transportation plans transportation networks, provides transportation services, develops and implements transportation policies, and administers many transportation-related acts and regulations.

To accomplish its mandate, the ministry:

  • Develops provincial transportation plans to integrate various modes of transportation, in consultation with Regional Transportation Advisory Committees and in cooperation with the transportation-related Crown corporations;
  • Ensures British Columbia’s ports and airports are gateways for economic growth and development;
  • Builds highways to fulfill the economic and social needs of British Columbians;
  • Maintains existing highways to a high standard through contracts with private sector road maintenance providers;
  • Undertakes vehicle safety inspections and sets commercial vehicle operating standards;
  • Works with partners and other levels of government to provide cost-effective public transit and coastal ferry services;
  • Manages contracts for inland ferry operations; and
  • Licenses and regulates commercial passenger transportation.

Legislation governing the ministry’s activities can be found on the ministry website at:

Vision, Mission and Values


The ministry’s vision is a fully integrated transportation system that advances economic and social growth, and moves goods and people within British Columbia and to markets beyond.


The ministry’s mission is to:

  • Create an integrated and safe transportation network that incorporates all modes of transport, reflects regional priorities and provides a strong foundation for economic growth; and
  • Maintain and improve the provincial highway system, ensuring the safe and efficient movement of people and goods provincially, nationally and internationally.


  • We respect regional and community goals and priorities;
  • We are responsive to the needs of British Columbia business;
  • We strive for excellence and innovation; and
  • We respect the people we serve and work with.
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